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I am fuming, outraged, Overall shocked that they all let this happen but more upset that Archie can't keep care of the kids even for 4 hours
"MoMmY I fEeL sIcK" Cody says running to me throwing up
"TURN OFF THE MUSIC EVERYONE LINE UP AND LISTEN!" Cheryl shouts they all stop and stumble in a line
"okay Im gonna be a bit lighter on you guys, who's idea was this ?" Toni says staying calm
"Okay, I'm gonna get them all water" Toni hold her hands up like she's surrendering
"It all started as jughead taking one shot and then one of the boys asked to join,Archie said no,Sweetpea said he needed to lighten up a bit so then Archie said all the kids could get one drink but it got out of hand, I tried stopping them but no use" Kevin explains
"Thank you Kevin now....... JUGHEAD BETTY TOLD YOU NO DRINKING INFRONT OF THE KIDS......SWEETPEA HOW DARE YOU PUT OUR KIDS IN DANGER ...... ARCHIE WHY DIDNT YOU DISAGREE SWEETPEAS SUGGESTION!" I am so angry I could kill them right now I keep on shouting and screaming while Cheryl and Toni are making sure the kids get enough water
"Right all you cunts are staying here tonight us RESPONSIBLE parents will keep GOOD CARE of the children" Cheryl says and we leave
"I fEeL dIzZy" Brooklyn says
"Me ToO" Ethan says and in seconds they both faint
"What do we do ?" Toni says worried
"I-i-i dont know" I stutter we are all shocked I have Brooklyn on one hip and Ethan on the other their bodies are as limp as a noodle
"What are you waiting for! Drive to the hospital they could be dying!" Cheryl says and we speed off, there isn't enough seats so Cheryl and Toni in front, me Sophia amd Juliet in the back Cody on Cheryl's knee happily chatting to himself, Ethan and Brooklyn and still unconscious
"Hurry up! There lips are turning blue!" I say crying which makes Toni speed up
We reach the hospital I run as fast as I could to the front desk
"Help help they are dying" I shout and brake down into tears as the doctors take them away from my arms
"Miss tell us what happened" the nurse sits me down in the waiting room
I tell her everything and she takes Sophia,Juliet and Cody in for check ups
"Betty knows nothing about this we should go tell her" I suggest and we go in her room and see her on her phone
"Hey guys" she says cheerfully
"We need to tell you something" Toni says
"What is it? Are you guys okay?" She asks worried I burst into tears and sit in a chair next to her
"Brooklyn and Ethan are unconscious, the rest of the kids got taken in for check ups we are probably gonna get chased up by social services ........ you the second time, I'm sorry it's not our fault it's the boys, they are staying at the bar" I say crying
"Wait what? Explain how this happened" she says with tears in her eyes
Cheryl explains everything in more detail
"Oh my.... I'm shocked" she says face palming
"This is something I never thought would happen" she adds
"Same with us and now Brooklyn and Ethan might die because of them" I say still in tears
"Don't think like that V" Toni says
"I refuse to believe that another one of my kids are dying" Betty says
"Wha- What do you mean?" Cheryl asks
"The nurses said Riley has 50/50 chance of being able to live" Betty says tears rolling down her face we all are in tears now
"It's okay, everything will be fine, it always does" betty calms us down
"Why do you always have to be right" Toni complains we all giggle
"We are our lives so fucked!" Toni says punching a wall
"Toni calm down please, we don't need another person injured" I say
"I'm away to ask when we can see them, it isn't even my kids who are unconscious and it's pissing me off" Toni says and storms out of the room
"Im going to go with her to make sure she doesn't let the kraken loose" Cheryl says and runs out the room
"Are you gonna forgive Archie?" Betty says in a small voice
"Depends.... if Ethan's okay I will think about it but if he's not I don't think I could" I say
"Him and Brooklyn will be fine, I know what they did was wrong and I will be wanting a proper apology and it will take time to get back to normal but I will have to forgive him either way because I couldn't look after my girls on my own, you have to understand that" Betty says
"I know I know, I'm just ughhh angry isn't even the word to describe how I'm feeling right now" I reply
We talk for a few more minutes
"The doctors managed to get all the kids to throw up all the alcohol out their systems (if that can happen) and they got them hydrated again so they are allowed to come through it Toni is with them getting food and Ethan and Brooklyn are conscious but resting so they are unable to come at the moment" Cheryl says which puts a smile on our faces
"It's like 10PM at night I'm actually super tired" Betty says and yawns
"B go to sleep, the kids are in the children's wars so we can go through there and se all them at the same time, I will tell Juliet that you wanted to come through but you were to tired" I say
"Thank you V" she says and begins to fall asleep so me and Cheryl go meet Toni in the cafeteria

The life in riverdale  *finished*Where stories live. Discover now