All Fun and games until bedtime

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Jughead Pov
"Right foot blue" I read and Veronica does the actions
"Ow Ronni you stepped on my fingers" Cheryl complains
"Stop wobbling Cher" juniper wines
"I'm gonna fall" Toni says in a bridge
"Lock your arms out it's easier" Juliet explains eating chips
"Next the boys should play" Sophia says
"Nah I'm good" I say laughing
"Emmm betty left hand yellow" I say
"Who does twister think I am, a rubber band, I sure had four kids I'm getting to old for this" she says we all laugh
They all fall down like 2 mins later
"Owww" They all day and laugh
Few more hours of playing and eating and now it's time for bed
"Bed time kids" Archie says and they all run away screaming except from juniper and Dagwood because they can stay up a little later
"Now a new game begins, catch a kid" Veronica says and now we are all running round the house
"Let us know if you need any help" Kevin says evilly as him fangs,sweets, juniper,Dagwood and my dad sit on the couch
"Help would be great right now" I shout as I chase Juliet round the kitchen table
"JULIET! Your 9 years old you should be good as going to your bed!" Fp says
"Sorry grandpa but it's funny" she says laughing as I grab her wrist to stop her from running away
"Okay if you and the other older ones can get the little ones to bed you guys can stay up latee than late,deal?" I ask her
"You have your self a deal, now you adults chill us experts got this" juniper says, the word gets spread around and by now the alcohol has been taken out and us adults are 'chillin' as juniper says, we can all hear the commotion going on upstairs
"Cody please lay down, your obviously tired" de hear Dagwood say followed bye a no from Cody we are all just chuckling at the stuff we hear
"Wait they haven't had their babas" Juliet says
"What in earth is that" juniper asks
"Their bottle of milk" Sophia says
"Yes go get them it will make them sleepy" Dagwood says with hope on his voice, there's thumping down the stairs
"Where's the... milk" Sophia says our of breath
"Heat it up in the microwave, and be quiet or the twins will wake up and that is effort putting them back to bed" Betty says slurring her words because she's a little tipsy
"Mom! You better not get drunk" Juliet says then walks away
"She already knows what's going downnnnaaa" Veronica shouts and all the girl start dancing more like stumbling
"I'm not getting drunk, I do trust juniper and Dagwood but don't trust them that much with toddlers and babies" my dad says
"Veeeeeeeeeee comeeeeee with meeeeeeee" Betty says happy and pulls Veronica away
"Ooooo tEa Is GeTtInG sPiLt" Kevin squeals

Juliet pov
Juniper and Dagwood are in the boys room while me and Sophia are in our room trying to calm Brooklyn down,I never knew kids would be so hard, this is torture and I can't even get my mom because she's drunk, I could get my dad but I'm trying to prove to them that we are responsible babysitters.
"Brooklyn just drink the milk" I say angrily through my teeth
"No mommy!" She shouts
"Mommy can't come up, I'm in charge and your gonna listen to me or else I will get dad to take away your iPad" I threaten
"How about you hold her down while I make her drink her bottle" Sophia says because Brooklyn starts kicking and screaming
"Deal" I say before I quickly hold down her hands and legs
"Get offff!" She screams until Sophia puts the bottle in her mouth and she stops
"What in gods name is going on in here" juniper says coming in and nudges me off of Brooklyn
"She wouldn't stop kicking so I had to hold her down" I say
"Come here babes" juniper says then takes Brooklyn into her arms
"She isn't a baby anymore" Sophia says
"I know but it calms her down, see" juniper says rocking Brooklyn as she drinks her milk
"I give up I'm going downstairs" i say and Sophia follows me. We both head downstairs and all our mums plus Kevin are drunk
"Girls why don't you go upstairs and watch a movie"my dad says
"It's not like we haven't seen them like this" Sophia replies
"Exactly, also I am never babysitting every again, that was a whole load of effort" I say sitting down
"All you did was pin her down and scream at her"Sophia laughs I just look at her dead in the eye and she stops
"Juliet?" Grandpa says in a deep voice while all the boys look at me
"She wouldn't Stop kicking so i had to pin her down" I say in defence
"You still gotta go in the corner" my dad says
"Dad, I'm 9 I don't go in the corner" I moan
"You do, you gotta show your sisters what to do if they get in trouble so they understand" fangs says
"Sophia, never ever ask for a sibling because when you get one or in my case 3 you wishes you never did" I say and go in the corner the boys just chuckle at me
"Maybe 4 after tonight" Sweetpea whispers
"Oh hell naw that ain't happening, even tho a brother would be cool? Still he'll naw" I say and they all laugh but where's my mom and v?

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