Whats a BJ

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Fp pov
"What the fuck" I say
"I found jellybean" Juliet says
"Bitch I'm still thinking on who taught this 9 year old to blackmail better than me" Veronica say and everyone nods
"This has been a crazy trip" Cheryl exclaims
"Yea I know, getting drunk, hangovers, arguments, grounding kids, calls from psycho mothers, now long lost family members" Betty says sighing
"Wait hold up..... grandma called?" Dagwood says getting all defensive
"You guys are grounding me!" Juliet says with wide eyes
"Eh.... yea but let's focus on how the hell my daughter found a person she doesn't even know" Betty says rubbing her forehead with her spare hand as she's holding lily
"Ughhh why is our lives so complicated" fangs gets angry
"Kids come along lets go in the pool, well everyone except Juliet because you have explaining to do girl" Kevin says taking lily out of Betty's arms and picking up Riley and the kids and adults follow him
"Sophia was in on it too" Juliet says not even seconds later Toni and Cheryl's walk back into the living room Toni is dragging Sophia by the wrist and she sits her down
The adults are in a line and Juliet's an Sophia are at the other side

like this.              *    *.       
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"Sophia grace blossom, what did you do to help" Toni scolds
"Why are you guys treating it like it's a bad thing, dad gets his sister back, grandpa gets his daughter back while also me and my sisters get an actual auntie" Juliet says
"It's not JB who's the problem, it's your grandma, Gladys" Cheryl says
"Why is she a problem, she can't be any worse than Alice, no offence mom" Juliet says tears in her eyes
"She's the same maybe even worse, SHES THE ONE WHO BROUGHT FIZZLE ROCKS TO RIVERDALE" jug says slightly raising his voice
"Sophia saysomething" toni shouts
"I-I-i, we never knew she was bad, juniper told us about JB so we wanted to find her" she replies
"Ughhh you girls always do something wrong, I suggest you two go to your rooms and think about what you have done" Toni sighs and they both go upstairs kinda smirking
"And you can wipe those smirks off your faces before you phone get taken away" Cheryl shouts
"What are we gonna do"Betty says frustrated
"Well if fizzle rocks are back again that means she must already be in riverdale, our only option is to see what they have to say" I say
"Guess so..... and how long are the girl grounded?" Jug asks
"Two weeks, they get their phones but it stays in our rooms at night, they also have to change the babies diapers" Cheryl says
"We all thought of it" Betty says
"Sucks to be them" he replies and we laugh
"It's kinda weird to think that this stuff is going on in our lives" Toni says
"Yea it is and like I would of NEVER imagined I would have 4 girls by the age of 25" I say giggling
"Why the fuck did I think you two would have like all boys" I say
"Well you were definitely wrong" Jughead rolls his eyes
"Like everyone is either an only child or have one sibling, but you guys just had to have 4 kids and be the odds ones out" I laugh
"It's not like it's a bad thing, I mean it's a blessing I guess" Betty says
"Yea because I defo enjoy running after little drama queens all day also there is a specific bow or head band which has a bow or a flower thing for each outfit like why can they just brush their hair and that's it" Jughead laughs and Betty rolls her eyes and laughs
"Ever heard of fashion? And plus bows are actual cutest thing a baby can ever wear" Cheryl says getting all squeaky
"But Riley and lily could wear a bin bag and still look cute tho" he protests
"Still, it's like brushing your teeth, you don't have to do it but you do it anyway because it keeps your teeth clean, their bows keep their hair nice" Betty giggles
"Okay" jug gives up because he obviously isn't winning then we heard a high pitch scream
"Was That Sophia?" Betty says and we all run to the pool to see sweetpea holding a screaming Sophia bridal style, Sophia's leg has a massive slice down the middle
"Baby, come here shhh it's okay, calm down breath" Toni says taking her off sweetpea
"Wasn't her and Juliet meant to be in their rooms?" Jughead asks
"What's happened?" Cheryl asks frantically
"She was climbing out the pool when her hand slipped and it scratched against a nail in the ladder" fangs says
"Auntie B make it better?" Cody says
"Yea auntie B was training to be a nurse so she is the medical person out of the group" Veronica laughs
"Right so get her wrapped in a towel, and take her inside to the counter and we will get her fixed" Betty says thinking of what to do
"I come to make her feel better" Brooklyn says
"It might make her overwhelmed so maybe you stay here I can promise you I will make her feel better" Betty says and hurried inside with Cheryl and Toni
Betty pov
Fuck shit cock, Sophia is screaming while I'm trying to clean her cut, she is on tonis knee and Cheryl has to hold her hands so she doesn't squirm and make it worse
"It's pretty deep, the blood won't stop coming" I say and get a rag and put it on, I tell toni to hold the rag there while I go to the medical kit and her the stitching string
"Okay can you stay really still, maybe close your eyes, this will sting a little" I warn her lying because its gonna be pain. She starts to scream even louder. I do it as fast as I can, I'm basically stitching from her knee to her ankle it's that bad
10 mins later
"Okay your all done, I'm so sorry for hurting you, now you can not go in the pool and when you take a shower you have to stick that leg out because it can't get wet" I say slowly lifting her down, she just crippled but I catch her
"I will carry her to a sun lounger" Cheryl says and does that exact same thing and when the kids see Sophia they all jump out the pool and run over to the lounger
"You feel good?" Ethan asks
"I feel better now, it was sore" Sophia says
"We might have matching scars now, even tho mine is from my hip to my ankle on the side, still matching" Juliet says
"Ouch That sore" Brooklyn says
"When I got my stitches I couldn't feel anything, I was unconscious because of penny" Juliet says
"Yep but let's not talk about her because she can't hurt us anymore, think about happy things" Kevin says
"ME ETHAN AND CODY 4 NEXT WEEK" Brooklyn shouts
"Well technically the boys are already 4 but we celebrate all their birthdays on Brooklyn's because it's easier to do joint birthdays also they have to bee that age or else they would be in the year above depending on when their birthdays are" Veronica says
"What do you guys want for presents" fp asks
"JOJO SIWA!" They all shout
"They all want to go to the jojo concert" Archie exclaims
"Sissy bad she not come" Brooklyn says
"Maybe not go" Cody says
"Ye you guys might not go either" I say
"She's right you guys have to wait and see" Veronica says
"Juliet back up to your room, you didn't go before so I'm gonna take you there myself" fp says and follows her up
"Bad sissy" Brooklyn laughs and we all chuckle
"Yep bad sissy" sweetpea picks her up on his hip
"Where are juniper as Dagwood?" I ask
"They went upstairs to but the babies down for a nap" fangs tell me
"Oh, Okay" I shrug
"I just realised all of your kids are mature like 3 year olds should not have the vocabulary your kids do" Kevin says raising an eyebrow
"Well like.... eh.... I don't know what to say" Veronica laughs
"Wait hold up I just realised Brooklyn's initials for her name is BJ" fangs says, my eyes widen and I cover my mouth Jughead is just holding in his laughter while all the adults laugh
"Didn't you realise that? Maybe it will mean she's good at sucking dick because like BJ means blow job?" Sweetpea says
"Is it to late to change her name?" I ask
Everyone just laughs
"What is Suck dick?" Brooklyn says innocently
"No no baby, do not say that please, ans it doesn't matter what it means" I bend down and pick her up on my hip
"Shit, didn't thinks she would repeat any of that," sweetpea says sorry
Everyone is still smirking or giggling
"Well she did" Archie says
"It's not like she knows a dick is a pee pee is it?" Sweetpea a says and instantly regrets it
"Sweetpea!" Jughead shouts but can't hold in his laughter
"Chee chee suck dick?" Brooklyn asks me giggling slightly
"Brooklyn no, well I'm not sure, please stop saying those words or you will end up in the corner" I warn her
"Do mommy suck dick" she asks, I just gasp and cover my mouth
Everyone is basically crying of laughter but Ethan Cody didn't understand so they went back in the pool but with floats and in the shallow end
"No comment....stop saying that word please because it's not a nice word to say, do you want to go in the corner because you have been bad" I say
"Okay, I go in corner" she says
"Okay let's go" fp says and takes her Out my arms and as soon as they leave we all bust out in even more laughter
"We just heard everything" Dagwood comes in laughing
"Guys That was not funny, what if she like repeats that to other kids" I gasp
"Right I say we stop having this conversation and enjoy the rest of the day" Jughead says
"I agree" Toni says giggling
And that's what we did, played games,ate food watched movies then it was time to sleep

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