Shopping for babies

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Betty POV

I saw Archie's car outside do I ran upstairs and got Juliet.
"Bye guys,, bye jug love you" I said as I walked out the door holding Juliet's hand.

*in the car*

"Hey guys,how have you guys been?" I asked and plugged in my seatbelt
"We have been okay,,Veronica's cravings are very strong at the moment" Archie said
"Ooooo,, I'm really craving some ice cream right now" Veronica says as she waves her hands about
"Yes yes yes,, can we get ice cream. Please?" Juliet said getting excited
"Ughhh fine, you guys win"I said
"Yayyy!" V and Juliet basically scream

*at the baby store*
Veronica POV

The first store we went in was so cute. Juliet got bored as soon as we walked into the shop. For the twins I bought-
4 pairs of pjs each
2 food bibs each
2 different blanket each
"How much longer, do we have to shop?" Juliet asked getting all grumpy
"Ohh juls this is only the beginning" Betty said
"Nooo, my legs are tired and I'm hungry" juliet said and cried
"Well after this we will find a cafe to have lunch" Veronica said
* at the cafe*
Betty POV
"Okay juls you sit and stay here until I get back from the bathroom. And auntie V is going up to the counter and will order food,okay ?" I said making sure Juliet knew not to move from that spot
"Okay mommy" she said sitting down
Veronica was in the line when I went to the bathroom. I came out and looked at our table. Juliet wasn't there, I froze for a couple seconds then I came back to reality. I ran over to Veronica in the line
"Juliet is gone" I said
"Wait..WHAT!!" Veronica says slightly raising her voice
"I came out and she wasn't there, I'm going to ask that worker over  there if they know where she went" I said sobbing
"Erm, did you see a little girl, she was sitting at that table and now she is gone" I say to the worker
"Yes, a very tall man, looked around 40 wearing a leather jacket with a snake on it walked over to the table and it looked  like the little girl knew him, then he took her away" the worker says
"Oh thank you" I say abs run over to v and call jug
*on the phone to jughead*
Jug-hey Betts what's up?
Betty- is tall boy with you ?
Jug- no, he left the serpents yesterday and joined the ghoulies, why ?
Betty- oh my god, he took Juliet, I went to the bathroom and told her to stay there and not move but then she was gone so I asked a worker abc that says she left with a man, then they described tall boy
Jug- not again !, serpents let's go, Okay Betts you and Veronica keep shopping and keep doing stuff to keep your mind off of it wile me and the boys will get juls back I promise.
Betty- oh ...okay,as always be safe, love you.
*hangs up *

"Jug said to just carry on what we are doing and not think about her because they are getting her back, he promised" I said
"Okay, it's eat then do some more shopping" Veronica said getting back in line, and

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