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The term 'beauty' already says a lot. You immediately think of things such as art, flowers, pretty girls on tv with sharp features and a glorious sculptured body, fashion and exquisite ornaments and so on. And in fact, that is really what people associate beautiful aesthetic with. For me, I don't quite have the same idea of what it really is. To me, beauty is so much more than just materialistic things. It's the simple things like waking up in the morning and being given a new day to breathe fresh air, it's simple geatures, it's appreciating the marvellous life formes on earth and the calmness, it's exploring the unknown, it's ones voice and ones heart, it's deep unrequited and genuine love. It's everything left unnoticed but deserves so much more, to be felt and to be shown.

Today, everyone wants to be known and talked about. Maybe to be a multimillionaire or to rule over a Kingdom. Of course everyone wants to make it big in life, who wouldn't want that? But don't indulge in the feeling too much. There are boundaries in which only you can determine whether or not to cross.

I have a career in modelling. Yes it might come across as ironic since models are stereotyped for their profound and lavish physical features and are of high expectations by media, always involved in scandalous news for attention and all that jazz. Not having a say if that's the kinda like you really want. That's exactly my case.

I was born in an extremely wealthy family. My father owned four old classic car companies in Europe and two here in Beverly Hills. Back In England, he worked with the 7 other countries ( France, Germany, USA, Russia, Italy, Canada and Japan) which formed the G-8 summit. These countries worked together to to benefit the world and eradicate the problems the world faces economically and socially, and ensuring a positive impact like creating jobs, improvement of living standards to less advantaged and so on.

I always understood that his job was of importance and he was an important man, and matters he had to take care of was critical, but it still made me feel somewhat ignored or not cared for. Don't get me wrong, I was in safe hands at home, but that's only because he has all the money in the world and he could easily afford the best secured houses with the best security systems. That still didn't change the fact that I felt alone. He was always in meetings and events all around the world and only came home once in a while. I was an only child and spent my childhood barely seeing my parents.

My mom is a Chiropractor and she earns well too. One of her friends husband owns this modelling agency I'm in now, BOSSvibrant. Mum was up for it, so she got me in as much as I wasn't too keen on the idea of modelling. In fact, I didn't care about it at all, thought it was overrated and I didn't have the patience. I have always loved music and really wanted to be a singer. Not for the fame or money, just to write good songs that people like-or not necessarily people, songs that I like and want to sing. But here is am. Stuck in a career that just isn't for me.

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At the moment, I'm in a dressing room, my stylist, Louise professionally running a brush through my long curls while blow drying it. I have long hair and it's a time consuming task as she would put it, although I'm aware it only takes like two seconds to put it up in a manbun. She claimed it was too messy when not styled with a whole lot of hair products and that my hair was too "luscious" to be put into a normal, boring manbun. I just think she's looking for every excuse to make me get a haircut. Never in her wildest dreams I thought as I subtly rolled my eyes.

It's Saturday night meaning there's a party going on. The music blasting in some club in Cali with models all over the place in designer clothing and shoes, the most weird looking and expensive bags. I didn't get the fashion at all to be honest. Personally I'd do with just a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a tee or flannel and a pair of comfortable yet simple boots. But of course, I had to be forced into an overly red floral fall gucci suit. Yay

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