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Love is a garden. Love is a battlefield. Love is air

" How much further do you guys plan on walking? My legs are gonna give up on me!"

It's been a while of walking ever since we discovered this beautiful rainforest. We could hear waterfalls nearby and Harry insisted we kept going.

" I think we're getting closer. Hang in there, Z"  Harry told him and we continued.

After about 5 minutes, we reached a tunnel like cave. We headed inside and saw that it had a bright exit at the very end of it, creepers and vines hanging in front.

Harry moved the hanging plants aside and what we saw was absolutely breathtaking.

I don't think it'd sound like I'm exaggerating but it looked like paradise. There was a clear blue reef with white sand that could clearly be seen under, which connected with a slow flowing waterfall and lush, vibrant and colourful plants surrounded the sparkling water which the sun reflected on.

It was truly by far the most pleasingly ethereal scene I've come across throughout my whole journey so far, and I really hated that I didn't have my camera with me.

We all were breathlessly taking in the whole aura ,ambiance and natural beauty of this place and I looked over to Harry who was absolutely stunned.

I smiled and took his hand in mine and we walked further to explore the wondrous place.

If possible,  my eyes lit up even more when they landed on fruit trees of different kinds. Pineapple, Mangos, coconuts, Melons and so much more. I was really delighted.

Zayn ran towards the pineapple tree and immediately started shaking it in hopes of a few falling down and I just laughed.

I walked hand in hand with Harry and we went to go check out the beautiful clear reef.

We admired how the waterfall peacefully ran into the calm reef and sighed in contempt.

" I wouldn't mind living here for the rest of my life"  I heard Harry subconsciously say

I looked at him and his eyes traced the waterfall in awe. I took a seat on the ground and gestured next to me for him to sit too.

I placed my arm around his shoulder and I moved my face to kiss his temple.

" I know. And who would've thought that just hours ago we were thinking of nothing more than getting out of here" I said and we both chuckled

" Well .. I still want to get out of here, just..I don't know. It's just so beautiful out here in this very spot"

" I know what you mean." I told him with a small smile.

All of a sudden, he got up and took his shirt off and spontaneously walked into the glimmering, turquoise waters.

He got in deeper and only his head was in view now. I watched as he swam under the waterfall, into a small rock cave, the water pouring over.

His eyes were closed and he looked so relaxed as he ran his hands through his wet hair and attempted to get all the dirt off of himself. I mean, we've been stranded on this island for three days now.

I continued to admire him. He really looked like an actual mermaid..well merman.  He was glowing and wore a smile just enjoying the serenity and bliss.

I was soon taken away from my daydream of reality and I noticed a baby blue kinda material floating on the water. It floated towards me and I hesitantly picked it up. It was lace underwear.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora