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The flight to LA felt agonisingly slow, although in actual fact it was 11 hours and thirty minutes and during that time, I knew I couldn't bring myself to fall asleep at all, feeling giddiness , excitement but also a tinge of nervousness brew within me.

I decided to plug in my headphones and watch the random movie that played on the small screen mounted at the back of the seat in front, only to be interrupted by the constant kicking against my own seat.

I ignored it and kept my eyes on the movie, not bothering to look back, until it got to the point it got super annoying.

I pulled off the headphones and turned my attention to the back, there was a young lad, probably not older than 7 years old, his eyes caught mine and a scared expression marked his face and he immediately stopped moving his legs.

I looked at him for a moment and couldn't help but wonder where his parents or guardian were. He had a small backpack with animated frogs on which he quickly clutched in his small arms, still looking at me with wide eyes.

A small smile made its way onto my face but was quickly removed once he made himself small and shielded his face with his backpack, eyes still peeking at me.

I pondered for a bit and decided to speak to the lad.

" Hi!" I said cheerily to which he didn't respond.

I wet my chapped lips and then let out a small sigh, I continued my attempt to make conversation with him.

My eyes caught the frogs on his backpack again and I chucked.

" Y'know. . . Them froggos over there look a lot like someone I know" I grinned, thinking of my frog price, the kid slowly moved the bag away and his eyes grew in wonder.

" Wow! Reallyy? !" He gasped and I chuckled

" Yep! They look exactly the same"

" Oh that's so cool! I quite like the way they look. They have long legs to jump really high! a-and their faces are so funny lookin' but cute at the same time!!" He spoke with utmost interest and I grinned wider

" This person..t-the frog person, uhm, can I meet him??" He asked hesitantly, shying away from my gaze.

I didn't know what to say. I was still confused as to why he was sat alone without supervision, perhaps they were in the toilet or something.

" Sure.. how about this? You tell me what's your name. I am Louis" I said and stuck my hand towards him to shake.

His smaller hand held on to mine and he shook it, nodding his head

" And I am, I'm Timothy " he smiled, still continuing to shake my hand . I laughed.

" Well Timothy, You know, you seem like a cool chap yourself and I am sure my uhm. ..frog person-pal would like to meet you too. "

His eyes widened again and he clapped his hands, then covered his mouth.

" So I can see him??"

I thought for a while..

" Of coarse! Just go on ahead and tell your mummy  and daddy and we'll be off"

At this point I knew it was a bad thing to suggest something like that to him, I mean we just met and I  was practically  a stranger to him, if he did tell his parents I could be in shit for wanting to kidnap him or summat.

My train of thought soon broke once hearing his voice.

" Uhm...Mr.Louis, uhm. .I am not 'spose to tell anyone. . no I mean, he t-told me to be quiet and not tell anyone. ." The boy spoke, hesitancy and fear laced his voice and I knew something was wrong.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now