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After what felt like many times, I managed to comfort and reassure Harry that he really is a big deal and means so much not only to me, but many others. I felt calmer knowing I could console him and at least make him feel a little bit better.

I don't blame him at all to be honest. I just think it's the way he's been brought up and stuff that had happened for him during his childhood and teenage years.

One thing for sure is is that it's all going to change. He won't need to feel insecure and told what to do. He won't need that constant negative mindset and I'll sure as hell make sure Nobody brings him down. Not even his parents. Unlike his parents, I actually want what's best for him..and if that means showing them an awakening then that's what I'll do.

He should be the one who's in charge of his own life and the one to make his own choices. To be himself whether people likes it or not.

I let out a sigh and stared at the half eaten honeycomb cornbread in front of me. I hadn't had much of an appetite due to all the thoughts swirling in my mind.

I wasn't exactly alone though as Zayn and Liam were both sat at the table with me, chatting and laughing about stuff I didn't pay much attention to, until noticed my gloomy state.

The gave each other a knowing look and quieted down a bit until Liam decided to speak.

" Louis..something wrong mate? You seem a bit off" he hesitantly asked.

I looked to face them and they both had an equally concerned expression on. I slowly looked back down at my plate, poking at my food with the fork .

" Yeah..I'm good" I lied, not looking up. Zayn huffed and then spoke up .

" Look, we aren't blind and I've come to notice you aren't quite good at hiding your emotions. C'mon now.. what's up?"

I looked at Zayn with a blank expression. Obviously he knew what went down yesterday at practice, he was there, and yeah Harry and I are over it..well I hope so at least. I don't  know what exactly to say. I've been thinking a lot about Harry and if I told them anything, It'd be unfair to Harry in a way...most of the things are a sensitive topic.

" He's right, Louis. You can tell us anything. We're here for you. But also you don't have to feel obliged to tell us we do unders-"

" I know. Trust me, I really do appreciate you guys trying but please..I'm fine. It's just something I can't talk about y'know.."

They both took in my words and offered me a sympathetic smile and soon dropped the topic to which I was thankful for.

Breakfast was over with and the boys and I had to part. Nick was supposed to hold a meeting with the models on everything about the upcoming event. Beforehand, I made sure to call him and apologise for acting the way I did yesterday and after explaining everything to him he seemed much more contempt and...understanding and I was shocked but felt relief wash over me, I don't know why I'd do if I actually were fired.

I walked around for a bit and tried to clear my head. The only people in the lounge right now we're the staff and crew and well. .me.

I had some time to myself, and now that I did, it felt somewhat boring. Nothing i thought of doing sounded excitable. I thought of hanging out with Niall but he said he had to do something. ..I guess he was having a problem with paying for the party he threw and had to sort it out. No matter how many times I offered to help him out, he turned me down and said I don't need to worry. That he's got it under control.

That's the thing with Niall though. Always so kind, hard working putting everyone before himself.

I smiled at the thought of my best friend and then decided to go back to my room.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now