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The weekend went by and I still had no idea why Harry tried to avoid me. The times when we'd have to see each other, he acted really awkward and somewhat despondent. It made me feel really shit .

I also tried talking to Zayn and tried to find out why Harry was acting  the way he was, but zayn just shrugged it of and said he had no idea but I knew he wasn't being honest. I didn't push further though and just let it be.

Niall called earlier to say that he'd just packed and was about to leave soon and I was actually really excited to see him. I know it's only been a few days we were apart but I felt I needed the company of my advice giving bud right now.

I took a walk along the beach to calm my mind and to stop thinking about Harry but it just didn't work. My thoughts kept going back to the other morning when I woke up with him in my arms and softly snoring, his warm body against my own.

I sighed and took a drag from my cigarette. I didn't smoke often but I felt stressed and it helped me relax.

In the corner of my eye, I could see a man docking a ship who wore an eyepatch . I scrunched my eyebrows and decided to walk towards him.

" Hi " I spoke. I thought I'd make conversation with the stranger.

"Oh. Hello!" He greeted back with a smile on his face.

" I'm Louis. Nice too meet you, Jamaica is lovely!" I decided to be friendly

"Ah! Louis. Well I'm glad you like it here,  brother. I'm Josiah"

I politely took his hand for a handshake and he took it but he brought me into a hug and I was caught off guard but returned the welcoming gesture anyways.

We pulled apart and I decided to speak up again

"So uh..this your ship? "

He looked at the pirate-looking ship and then back at me.

"Yes it is. I've had it all my life. It was my father's and he passed it down to be before he died when I was just 15 years old" he explained

My eyes widened in interest and I was touched by his shared story.

"Wow! It's a great ship and I'm sure your father knew what he was doing when he gave it to you."

"Yes I know" he chuckled. " would you like to take a look at it?

I looked at him in disbelief.

" Really? Are you sure?"

He nodded yes and walked towards it and I took that as a sign for me to follow.

There was a ladder made from rope slightly hanging from the inside and he stood on a rock and jumped to grab it. I gasped at the action but was relieved once he managed to grab the roped ladder without falling.

" Here " he said as he held on to it.

I hesitantly took a step closer and then looked at him again

" You're sure you're okay with it, right?" I asked just to be sure and he laughed

" Absolutely! "

With that, I placed my one foot on the rope and started to climb up. He held it to make sure I felt secure and prevented it from wobbling.

I safely made it inside and let out a deep breath.  Soon he made it in too.

I was absolutely left flabbergasted. It looked exactly what I imagined a pirate ship to look like inside.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now