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Since I had the rest of the day off, I wanted to just relax. Louis would be discharged tomorrow morning and then I could spend the day with him.

I walked around in my room and pondered on whether or not I should go out and hang with Niall and Zayn...Liam was on the job 24/7 so he was occupied. Looking through the glass doors , in the balcony I had the same clear,  beautiful view of the sea..but I knew looks were deceiving, I learnt that the hard way. It looked calm and peaceful but through the depths, it's cruel and unforgiving. The spell it casts on you, holds you in forever.

I sighed and turned around, my eyes landed on my water damaged survival bag, as I'd like to call it. I picked it up and looked inside, but started to panic once I couldn't find my journal. I turned the bag upside down and dropped whatever I had inside on the floor but still, it wasn't there.

I gulped and closed my eyes for a few moments to remember where I left it. I couldn't have forgotten it when we were stranded..I mean, I haven't taken it out of the bag in two days.

I started to really worry. It was personal and whatever I wrote inside had a lot of meaning to me. I knew I could just buy another journal and just rewrite everything but that wouldn't make me any happier. It was the fact that I had written the things I did at certain times, and it all reminded me of different memories. It would be useless to just write everything I felt at that very moment, now...who does that?  It's a Live in the moment not live for the moment kinda thing.

Feeling very frustrated and disappointed, I decided to just let it go. Inside that journal was the song I've been writing for Louis. I guess I could still remember most of it, and I had to jot it down anyways to complete it, however, at the back, in the last few pages was the more personal stuff... about Louis, obviously. It was my deep feelings and love and all that mush, a few intimate moments we shared, how I felt when he held me and kissed me..stuff I imagined to happen in our future...anyways.. even though the book was lost, I will still always cherish the memories in my heart.


I woke up and noticed I was still in the hospital bed. I stretched my arms out and winced when I still felt a slight pain on my hip. It wasn't as excruciating as it was a few hours ago so I was relieved. I heard the door open and in came the doctor.

" Well hello! I see you're already awake.  How are you feeling, Mr. Tomlinson? "

I dropped my head back onto the pillow and breathed out " a lot better "

" You look a lot better now too. The results of the tests came back and I think you'll be glad to know that you're healthier now, no problems at all. Just drink plenty of water and I'll give you some vitamin pills, take them regularly!  Also, do not take off the bandage for the whole week. The wound has been stitched, turns out the thorn that caused it was poisonous. Apply this ointment after 5 days and it'll be just fine."

I took in all the information and I nervously coughed and wondered if I was done here now.

" uh, am allowed to leave now or?.."

He gave me a smile and moved aside.

" Sure! Please do take care of yourself. You're free time go now "

I smiled at him and got up from the bed, I almost fell over but he was quick to help me and guide me out.

I made my way back into the villa and headed into my hotel room to have a shower and freshen up. I dressed up and texted Niall and told him that I was out and he said I should meet him in the entertainment lounge.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now