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" Wanna ride you. Right here, right now."

I couldn't form proper words. I didn't know what to say. My cock was telling me fuck yes but I knew we couldn't do, I mean it was his parents property.

I felt his hot breath on my neck along with the wet sweep of his tongue along my jugular vein, making the situation at hand more and more inevitable.

I let out a strangled breath and took my bottom lip between my teeth, considering his words.

Yes, there was an innocent romantically planned out picnic outside this cabin. Yes, all I wanted was to surprise him and see him all happy with his signature dimpled smile and adorable bunny teeth and a gleam in his eyes once he saw what I had in store for us. Did I expect having him already straddling me while breathing down my neck, rocking desperately against my hard on and literally moaning out how he wanted to ride me right on this here couch? Not at all. Was i opposed to the idea? Fucking hell no.

No matter how risky I thought it was, who am I to pass this by? besides, Harry's parents weren't here and Margaret said that Anne won't be back for another two hours..and as for Margaret..she wouldn't intrude, would she? Absolutely not.

So yeah, it was just me, Harry and this cosy little cabin.

I noticed Harry starting to get a little frustrated as a low whine escaped his lips. I chuckled and placed my hands on his thighs, giving them a light squeeze and then massaging them.

I briefly took in his features. His hair was still beautifully resting in place, just a few stray curls falling over his eyes, still as graceful as ever. His cheeks were tinted a pretty shade of pink and his lips formed an adorable pout..they were plumpier and pinker due to the kissing. All in all, he just looked perfect. No surprise there.

I had been so unaware that I was staring at him in a daze, drinking him in like a giant sponge absorbing an entire ocean. He was just so pretty, and I've missed him so much as well, so my trance like state was bound to happen .

I suddenly found myself smiling fondly at him then raised my hand to move the curls out of his face. A slight look of confusion etched onto his face.

" My gorgeous love" I told him in a whisper, trailing the pad of my thumb over his smooth cheek, to his jaw and stopped at his soft lower lip.

He tried to suppress the flustered blush from creeping onto his cheeks but it was to no avail.

" Uhm..lou i-uh, never mind. Thank you..."

His words were hesitant and then he averted his eyes downwards, his cheekbones gave away his obvious smile. My heart fluttered and I smirked at that. I knew why he was all shy.

" Something wrong, sweetness? " I innocently inquired

He seemed more embarrassed but managed to let out a halfhearted snort.

" Not at all.."

He truly was a terrible liar. However, it did amuse me. I knew he was worked up, I mean so was I. ..until I just kinda got lost in his entire angelic being then started discreetly staring at him in awe..absolutely forgetting about what was about to go down.....or up

" Alright then" I nonchalantly said and he looked at me as if to say are you joking?

I tried to hold in my laughter. I don't think this was as enjoyable for him as it was for me. Just minus my aching member though.

I sat up slightly and he squeaked then tried to brush it off as our bulges brushed in that swift movement.

He awkwardly coughed

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now