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Running up the stairs left me almost out of breath, but that didn't matter to me. All that mattered was that I needed to see my boyfriend and give him all my love.

I finally made it to the top floor and was just about to head to the rooms when I bumped into Niall.

" Bloody hell Tommo did ya just run a marathon? Why are ya in such a hurry?" He frowned .

" It's nothing, Ni, I just am. Now if you'll excuse me-" I tried pushing past my best friend but he grabbed my arm.

" There's somethin' wrong and I'm not movin' till' ya tell me " He pushed, concern laced in his voice.

I sighed, accepting the fact that he wouldn't drop it.

" Well.. I need to get to Harry.. I was photographing the models, as they had to model the catwalk and stuff and then it was Harry's turn..long story short, There really are some proper dicks with no respect here and  they insulted him just because he felt insecure and scared...I lost my shit , fuck I might have even lost my job but yeah. Have you seen Harry? Has he come by?" I spoke out in a rush while looking behind Niall for any sign of Harry.

" Louis. Breathe, lad. " he spoke calmly while rubbing my shoulder.

I sighed and offered him a small smile. He continued.

" He's on the beach. Said he needed to be alone and when I tried asking what was wrong, he said he was fine, he just needed space."

" Oh..uhm" I felt even worse. I need to comfort him and if he was ready, to talk about a few things.

" Yeah, I'm sure you're probably the only one to cheer em' up. Don't tell him I told ya it was me who said where he is"

" I won't. Thanks bud, really." I pulled him into a hug and he gladly hugged back.

We let go and then I turned on my heel to head the direction of the beach  but then turned around again as I remembered.

" Oh shit, I almost forgot. " he looked at me confused and then chuckled.

" Aww how sweet! You remembered to kiss me" he winked and jokingly puckered up

" Ew, no..I love you and everything buuut. ..No" I pretended to gag.

" Yeah, don't flatter yourself, I know where those lips have been" he smirked and I abruptly coughed and my face felt as hot as the sun.

" HAHAHAHA just pullin' ya leg, Tommo, although that shade of red on ya cheeks suits ya" I blushed harder and tried to cover it up with a scoff.

" Not the time Niall...anyways.. you rang me last night, pissed drunk and moping over the phone. You seriously got punched in the head? Where the hell's the mark?"

" Yeah, terrible night. I'm fine now though, it was pretty strange a feelin' actually. I don't usually get emotional." He bit his nails

" Okay ... well as long as you're good, lad. And yeah, I realised that too. Strange. Anyways thank you so much, I'm really glad I have you" I sincerely told him and he smiled back at me.

" Same here, bud''

With that, we exchanged goodbyes and I jogged down to the beach.

My feet sunk into the soft, warm sand. It wasn't very late but the sky already held a beautiful golden colour, as the gulls fountained into the air. Not very far away, I saw Harry sitting against a palmtree, he no longer had on the suit, but instead, white shorts and a t-shirt. He looked deep in his thoughts, it amazed me how just by doing something as simple, or even nothing at all, he still looked so beautiful.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now