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Week one/three I had been staying with the first assigned family in Clovelly Devon. Surprisingly, they weren't exactly what I expected. They were quite friendly and knew how to banter. I learned so much about their history and , despite them being one of the royal, well off families, they were nothing but generous.

I can positively say that working with them and being given the chance to document and put to life into photos everything they were and what they have done was a great experience. From their beautiful architecture to the fashion and customs. All very wonderful.

Week two and a bit of week three wasn't that bad either. I travelled to Dedham Essex and then to Bibury, Cotswold Valley. If I thought the week prior was good, there were really no words to explain my time right now.

The beautiful scenery and great British, historical architecture, exquisite views of meadowy hills upon hills, and again, the fashion, tastes and customs were pretty decent. What I found most appealing and had the most fun with though, definitely had to be the Dedham  canoeing. Undoubtedly unforgettable.

I did grow up in Doncaster afterall, so even travelling further out England, to London, was still a major accomplishment for me. Jamaica, however was beyond my imagination...despite all that happened, it's a place I could never forget.

All the memories of my time in the Caribbean came flooding back to me, from the time I got there right up until I left. Meeting Harry had to be the best part ever. I sighed deeply as I thought back to a moment we shared.

" Alas that my heart is a lute, whereon you have learned to play! For many years it was mute, until one summer's day you took it, and touched it and made it thrill. And it thrills and throbs each and every day "

" Wow! A photographer and a poet huh? What other professions have you?" Harry chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows

" Hmm.. well let me see, oh. I'm quite the champ at football!"

" Oh? Well I'd love it if you taught me how to day... y'know..when we aren't stranded "

Louis chuckled and licked his lips and then wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder

" I'd love to!" Louis said to him while holding his face in his hand and squishing his cheeks.

" Was this the face that launched a thousand ships and and burnt the topless towers of Ilam? Sweet Harry make my life immortal with a kiss!"

" Okay,'re by far the sappiest cheeseball I've ever met!" Harry said with his cheeks still muffled in louis' hand, his lips resembling ones of a fish.

" the touch of love, everyone becomes a sappy poet, squishy"

Harry chuckled and put his hands over louis'.

" So.. I believe I asked for a kiss " Louis leaned closer to harry and puckered up with closed eyes..

Suddenly a shriek and rumble was heard from the nearby bushes ...and it was in that moment,  Louis figured that inquisitive little, eavesdropping leprechauns existed.

I blushed furiously and my heart warmed up at that poetic little spew i poured out to my lovely boyfriend and then soon let out a snort at the end, remembering Niall's reaction to spying on me and Harry but at the same time, i couldn't help the fond smile that took over my face either. A sheer idiot, Niall is. The most lovable ever.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu