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Dinner is ready and my father would walk right in at any moment now, according to mum.

I sat somewhat anxious in my chair. My leg bounced up and down vigorously underneath the dining room table and the crockery and cutlery that had been neatly laid out was now a proper disorganised mess from moving them around due to my nerves and an odd coping mechanism I've developed to calm myself.

Distracted by my thoughts, I didn't notice my bowl being filled with what seemed to be creamy butternut soup. I looked from the contents in the bowl to the person before me and wasn't surprised to be met with the helper's tired eyes.

She didn't speak much as she continued to dish up my food for me.

I softly watched as she sliced some turkey and placed it on my plate and then added some fluffy white rice and gravy with fresh greens on the side .

" Please do help yourself to anything else you'd like. Would you have some wine with your meal, sir?" She asked while setting a few serviettes down as well.

As confused as I was , I couldn't help but feel bad for her. Maybe she wasn't very happy working here for my parents..maybe it was something personal, I had no idea but it wasn't very hard to see through her fake smile.

I reluctantly turned my face and let out a small sigh and then got off my chair causing her to look at me questionably.

" Please. Do sit down " I spoke kindly to her as I pulled out another chair, motioning for her to sit down

" Oh No, no I can't i-"

" Sure you can, Here you go" I was quick to cut her off by fixing her up some food just like she did for me. Small acts of gratitude and kindness never hurt anyone right?

She looked at me with a panicked expression and she hurried to clear contents from the plate back into the trays.

"Hey wait! wait please ma'am why are you-"

A very concerned expression marked my face and she sighed in defeat then spoke up.

" I am not hungry " she said whilst avoiding my gaze and I knew that just wasn't it.

" I don't believe you. ."  I hesitantly placed my hand on her shoulder and when she slightly flinched, I instantly  removed it.

She looked at me and then turned away again, head hung low as she let out a deep sigh.

" Strict rules that I don't eat before Mr. and Mrs. Styles, and that I don't eat with them. But don't worry it's no big deal really i-"

" What? What do you mean strict rules i- are you saying you don't eat or that you aren't allowed to? " I questioned with furrowed brows.

" Please don't worry about it I swear I do eat ! Just once everyone has eaten. Mrs. Styles prefers it that way. Always the Styles' and guests first" she tried to reason but it only made me mad.

" No. Look that isn't fair to you. They shouldn't treat you like you're anything less. You will sit down and have dinner with us..please"

" They-"

" It's alright. I'm not them. "

I dished her up some food again and smiled at her, gesturing for her to sit down and with one last hesitant nod, she did.

" Well then I guess everything is ready, your father is so excited to see you Harry he's absolutely -"

My mum came into the dining room and stopped mid sentence when her eyes landed on the party of two sat at the table.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now