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The time spent with the three families in London went by pretty fast. The last week I spent with the Fiddlestons, I really bonded with Janice. She had actually grown on me and claimed that I was the older brother figure that she's always wanted.

Growing up with five sisters and a little brother really moulded me into the family orientated person I am today, I would do absolutely any and everything for my siblings, so to say I wasn't flattered by Janices kind words would be an understatement and when I spoke of my family and my love for i would let my sisters do my makeup and paint my nails and then at the next moment teach them how to play soccer, she lit up even more.

So yeah, it was nice being around to share that with her but wasn't very pleasant when it was time for me to leave and she had to sadly say goodbye.

Other than that, I'm feeling really good, for some reason. I have some time off for a few days before its back to work again..meaning I'd be travelling once again.

My happiness was short lived as realisation set in that I wouldn't have as much time with Harry.

I let out a huff of air and closed my eyes, then took a sip from my warm mug of tea. I was sat in my own hotel room now, listening to the slight rain outside.

I had already told the boys that I would be heading over to LA to see Harry on Saturday, only for them to tell Harry and for me to change my mind as of now.

I poked my tongue out as I stared at my phone, lighting up before opening up the messaging app and creating a group chat with just myself, Niall, Liam and Zayn.

Operation Don't tell Hazza😎

Louis  : Oi oii,  lads

♢ Zayn : Bro!! Wait what's happening, what aren't we telling. ..uh..hazza?

♤  Liam : Oooh lit gc 😁

♧ Niall : shut up Zayn, well all know Harry is hazza, ya uncultured swine!

♤ Liam : Hey don't talk to my man like that you evil leprechaun 😞

☆ Zayn : Aww, thanks babe . Go away, you outcast. This gc is strictly for Brits! 😋

♧ Niall : Exactly so fuck off Zaladin😌

♤ Liam : Uhm..mates..

__Zayn has removed Niall__

☆ Louis : Oh for fuck sakes!!

♢ Zayn : he started it

__Louis has added Niall__

♧ Niall : Rude, Z💩

☆ Louis : This was a bad idea. Please at least try to act your ages, yeah? I made this gc because I bare important information and would highly appreciate if you, my friends, comply to what I ask!

♤ Liam : got our full attention, Tommo

☆ Louis : Thank you, Payno

♢ Zayn : Lay it on us, bro

♧ Niall : What he said

  Louis : That's more like it!😊 that you're all done with your shenanigans... as you are all aware that.. the man of my heart ...

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now