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A few days have passed after I got assigned as the new photographer. I was still in shock actually. Tomorrow is the day I'll be able to prove my talents and do my dream job. I was super excited and to start off in Jamaica too! I wouldn't want it any other way. Life is treating me so kindly.

There was literally so much to do today. I had no idea where to start. I started pacing around in my room thinking of what to do first.

I realised I hadn't told my family the good news yet and I figured why not start with that. I took my phone from my nightstand and dialled in my mum's number. After the 3rd ring, she answered.

"Hello? Louis? "

" good morning my sweet mother dearest !" I said in a cheery tone

"Oh my daring angel, how are you boobear? "

"Muuuuumm!!" I whined in the phone. " Mum I'm literally 25! I'm a grown man now"

" yes you are, love but you'll always still be my boobear you know" I could hear the love and adoration in my mother's voice.

"Yes mum. I know." I stayed silent for a while and spoke again. " Mum I really miss you. I miss you all. How are you?"

"Aww we miss you too so much, Louis. We are all good, your sis, Lottie just passed her driver's "

" That's great, mum! Is she home? Please put her on the phone I wanna congratulate her"

"No sweetie, she isn't here at the moment. But tell me, son, how are you?"

My face lit up and my eyes crinkled. This is it. I get to finally tell my mum that my dream is finally coming true and that all my hard work paid off and the support from her and dad got me here .

"Mum.. I have some news"

"Oh dear, good news is hope" she sounded concerned

" Yes, absolutely!"

" Well then what are you waiting for, boy?"

I let out a chuckle and took a deep breath. " mum..I did it, I got the position as a professional photographer mum!"

"WHAT? ? OH LOUIS MY BABY BOY YOU DID IT I AM SO PROUD OF YOU I KNEW YOU COULD AND I NEVER DOUBTED YOU ONCE!!!" she practically screamed of joy through the phone.

I chuckled at my very proud mum with a huge grin plastered on my face.

"Yeah, I know, I know! I was surprised too to be honest! It's all so sudden you know? My boss had told me the news and said I really have a talent and I'm hard working and determined. That I fit the profile perfectly. He literally showered me with praises, mum! And I'm still trying to precess it. It truly is overwhelming." I let out rather hurriedly out of excitement.

"My darling boy, he isn't wrong. You worked so hard to get here. It's something you've always wanted. I'm so proud of you, Louis, and I know you'll do great!"

By now I'm sure mum was wiping at her tears and had the brightest smile on.

"Thank you so much, mum. For everything. But yeah, I'm pretty excited! First stop is at Jamaica apparently. I think with a modelling agency. ..BOSSvibrant . They're a group of male models. This whole thing is obviously international so I'll have to do the photography at multiple events worldwide." I felt my arm hair stand and goosebumps rise at that.

" Oh yes!! I've heard of that agency..hmm. my sunshine might just find himself a cute model boyfriend eyy?"

I didn't even have to look at my mother to know she was smirking and wiggling her eyebrows

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now