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It wasn't long until me and Harry finally came across a cave. We really needed to get back to the other men but even though the storm was clearing up, it was still night time. We both agreed that we'd wait till morning to go on since it'd be too risky to do so now.

We were sat inside the smaller, more claustrophobic cave than the one we've been making use of on the other side. There was minimal space and I sat with my knees to my chest with Harry right beside me. I had my arms slung around him and he had his face hidden against my chest.

I told him to try and get some sleep and that tomorrow morning will be much ...bearable and also a day closer to being rescued. I again wasn't too sure at all but I had to reassure him and calm him.

He sighed and then I soon heard soft snores and little incoherent mumbles leave his lips. That tugged on my heart. I gently tapped his back and kissed the top of his head, while resting my own on top.

I don't know what I would have done if I ever lost him. Of course I could never live with myself and probably would have jumped too. I closed my eyes as I felt myself gulp hard. I wrapped my arms tighter around him and sighed. I really never meant any of this to happen.

Harry. My sweet, shy, adorable Harry. My mind drifted to everything he's ever shared with me and I couldn't help but think about what he told me about his past. He said that as a kid, he was always bullied at school for being gay. He said that his parents were never around and he felt uncared for and unloved. Obviously he said himself that his parents had a lot of money and bought him almost everything but that was just it.

Harry didn't care at all for fancy, expensive materialistic things. I noticed this a lot. What he truly appreciated was the small things and simple gestures. He never took things for granted and actually is a very genuinely humble man. My heart warmed at that.

My mind then drifted to thoughts about his fears and insecurities. By just looking at him, and taking in his physical form, anyone would think he's the type to knock someone's lights out on the spot. I mean.. the man is a giant with quite big biceps and broad shoulders with a triangular back and thighs of steel.....etcetera  etcetera. I embarrassingly squealed once I realised that I was getting too carried away and was quick to cover it up..anyways...

He literally had the body that I only dreamt of having. I couldn't complain though, I lowly chuckled because I knew that I am the one that gets to hold and caress his heavenly body even though mine didn't compare. My smile soon faded as I thought about why he felt so insecure. I remember him telling me multiple times how he hated and felt self conscious about his body and his love handles ( Which i love so much ) and so on..which really just baffled me. He is absolutely perfect from head to toe. He's so insecure but I don't see a single flaw or imperfection in him. He's so beautiful and he doesn't even know it.

I let out another deep sigh as I tried to fixate on his face the best I can. The cave was really dark but bright enough for me to see most of his beautiful features.

My eyes glanced to his slightly parted lips. He breathed softly and I couldn't help but trace my thumb over his bottom lip, carefully enough not to wake him. My eyes then drifted to his eyebrows. They were slightly knitted together and I traced over them, I felt a little crease under one of them as well.

Although he looked so peaceful when asleep, I knew that wasn't how he always felt. I suddenly found myself wondering why he was so afraid of storms. Amongst so many things,  even as a grown man.

He shivered a bit in his sleep and I placed soft kisses on his closed eyelids, only for him to slowly open them. He faced up to look at me and he offered me a small sleepy smile.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon