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There were only just a few models left and the the night would come to an end. After Harry did his turn, I honestly couldn't wipe the proud grin off of my face.

Zayn was the last to model and showcase the designs and he too owned that runway. It came naturally to him. I snapped his photographs and from the corner of my eye, I saw Liam clapping loudly with a smile that matched mine when Harry was up there and Niall tried to get him to keep his cool a bit. I chuckled at that.

All the models went their turn and then Rob, the founder and Nick got on the stage again to call up all the models back on. He then gave a speech and thanked everyone for coming and then everyone on stage gave a small bow and applauded.

I took a few more photographs of the scene and then with that, I made my way to join Niall and Liam.

" Had a good time, lads?" I asked them knowingly.

" Yeah! It was amazing! H and Z really owned the show " Niall smiled and put his arms around mine and Liam's shoulders.

" But let's head over to the bar and get some drinks. To celebrate " He added

I looked to Liam to which he looked back to me, a faint blush creeped his cheeks and it seemed his thoughts matched mine.

" Yeah! But tell you what, I have to do something but you can go ahead." I tried not to give out too much information.

" Me too, actually I'm-"

" Jesus just go to your lovers already " Niall genuinly chucked and shook his head.

We both gave Niall an apologetic look and I was about to ask if he wanted to come along but before I could, Zayn walked up to us.

He couldn't get a word out because Liam had already pulled him into a suffocating hug.

" You did really great love!" Liam murmured to his husband and kissed his cheek.

I mentally awed and thought I should probably go to praise my boy but then I wondered why he didn't meet us here too.

Zayn had just read my thoughts because he looked back at me and spoke.

" Harry didn't come along because his mum's talking to him."

I subconsciously averted my eyes to where she wasn't too long ago seated and then gave a tight lipped smile and nodded in understanding.

" I say we should wait up for him before we go get some pints" Niall suggested and we all agreed.


"Thanks mum" I told my mother who kept on praising me, not that she really meant it..there were a couple people around so obviously she wanted the attention. Her son being a model and all that.

" Really! You make me so proud every single day with everything you do, baby!" She pushed when she noticed other parents with their model sons .

I sighed but didn't say anything about it. She smiled up at me and pinched my cheek and then spoke up again.

" Look..I know you think I don't care about you.. but trust me Harry, I really do. You're my son. My own flesh and blood and I really try to give you the best. Your father and I want what's best for you.."

I looked blankly at her for about two seconds but I brushed it off and gave her a half hearted smile. Yes they gave me everything. Except their genuine parental love. I don't need loads of attention but just a little to show they actually do care about my feelings.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now