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The other day I called Louis and told him I was coming to visit him so it wasn't a surprise..I knew he hated surprises and even though I'm his best friend, I didn't want to show up unannounced.

I took a flight with US Airways and landed at Montego Bay. From there a cruise liner took me to the resort Louis said he was staying at.

He was right when he said it's beautiful here. The warm weather and in general the whole exotic, tropical vibe is amazing.

I made my way into the resort and headed for the reception. There was nobody there so I waited for a bit.

I greeted a few of the locals and also a few models, I assumed and suddenly someone showed up at the desk.

" Good day, sir. I'm sorry for keeping  you waiting. How may I help you?"  The woman spoke hurriedly and I told her it wasn't a problem at all.

" Ehm, I'm here for Louis Tomlinson. He's the photographer here" 

She looked at me with a surprised expression but it was soon turned into a more worried,  hesitant one.

"I'm so sorry sir, he isn't here"  she said and I was left confused. I felt like there was something she wasn't telling me.

" What do ya mean he's not here? "

She looked away from my gaze and attempted to give me a smile but it was a fake one. She looked worried. She took a breath and then spoke.

" well... I was told that last night he, along with his friends boarded a ship with one of the locals here just for the night..."

She waited for a bit and was hesitant but I raised an eyebrow at her to go on.

" They haven't come back ..there was a really bad storm last night, upper north...serious tidal waves..I'm afraid they've encountered a dreadful ship wreck"

My mouth was hung open to the ground and my mind was spinning. This can't be. He can't be-

" But don't worry sir, a rescue team was sent out to look for them. I assure you, he'll be back soon in safety"

She said with uncertainty laced in her voice and interrupted my thoughts.

" Well how long have they been looking??"  I asked a bit angrily

" Sir please calm down... they've been searching for the men the entire day yesterday and today...but no luck"

At this point I was on the verge of raging. My best friend was out there stranded, hell I'm praying he's even alright...I really couldn't believe this. She said that there is a rescue team looking for him but it still didn't help my worried heart.

I don't care if it takes time to find a stranded person. I felt like I had to take matters into my own hands.

With that, I apologised for being so rude and walked away .

I made a quick call to one of my pals, Gustav.

" Hi mate, can ya make it over here with the helicopter ASAP?  I'm at the Secrets Wild Orchid resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica "

" Sure, man. What's the situation? "

" No time to explain.  Please just get here soon . Oh and bring Liam with you. Tell him to bring his first aid kit and any other medicinally important equipment or products" Liam is a travel doctor.

With that, I hung up and took a deep breath thinking about what I'm about to do. I knew I'd have restless nights thinking about whether or not Louis and those other men are okay.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now