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I was engaged in a conversation until I suddenly heard voices going at each other and everyone shouting and yelling out "Fight" in unison. I scanned the room and my concerned, worried eyes fell at the direction where a heated fight involving the familiar raven haired man and some other model, bigger and much more intimidating than zayn.

I looked further and my eyes met with Harry's fearful and helpless ones and my features softened. He was desperately trying to pull his friend away. I looked back at the gentlemen I was seated with and they were just as shocked as me.

" ISN'T ANYONE GOING TO DO ANYTHING? " I frantically asked with a confused, concerned expression.

They all scurried out of the hall, probably to get help- to which I couldn't wrap my head around because they could just stop the fight themselves.

I waited very hopefully  for them to get back with help fast, but they still didn't arrive.

I gulped down hard and stood up, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself. I walked closer to the scene and tried my best by yelling for them to stop. By the time I looked at Harry,  he was just sitting back down in shock, with tears running down his cheeks, his eyes red and puffy and his hair disheveled, helplessly watching the two now bleeding and bruised men go at each other.  It was actually pretty painful to see.

I couldn't take it anymore. I don't know what came over me or how I got the strength, but I grabbed the bigger man from behind by his shoulder and pulled him away with all the strength I could muster. He fell back against a table over all the food and drinks and he looked up at me as I breathed heavily and couldn't believe what I'd just done either.

" ...I told you to fucking stop" I found myself saying with a new found confidence and everyone gathered around whispering and gasping. ..some recording the whole thing like a child would when there's a fight going on in school.

The man looked at me as if he was ready to pounce on me. But I ignored it and looked over to Harry,  who was now kneeling down on the floor to help his injured friend- who was sending daggers with his eyes at the other man who just evily smirked at him.

If looks could kill, the other man would be buried six feet under.

It was about time when the gentlemen came back with security. A gaurd grabbed the culprits arm, pulling him off the table but he yanked it back out of the grip.

" Don't touch me!" He sneered and then turned to look at Harry and gave him a devilish grin, then escorted himself out, but the guards followed closely behind him.

I was so glad he was out of our sight. My eyes went back to Harry who was trying to lift his friend up. His face was pale and he looked emotionless, but still frightened.

He easily picked zayn up and put his one arm around his shoulder and his own arm around his friend's waist.

I quickly walked over to help him and he briefly looked at me and focused his attention back to the hurt man.

We walked with him in our grip to the infirmary.

Harry and I were waiting outside for the report on Zayn's injuries and we were relieved when a doctor came out. We immediately stood up.

"How is h..he?" Harry asked with a choked sob.

" He's doing good, surprisingly just a fractured knuckle probably from the force of the punch he gave. We'll just need to run a few more tests and have him rest for a while. You guys don't need to worry much." He ended off saying with a small smile and then he left.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now