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"S..sorry I was having a wee..."

The man hesitantly walked in, trying to avoid all the glares thrown his way. He walked in slowly with his head down, and played with the rings on his fingers. He had a mane of beautiful chocolate brown locks, perfectly framing his face.

At the far sighted view , I could see that he was tall, broad shouldered and well. ..he was indeed fit but looked immensely embarrassed nonetheless.

He made his way to stand next to, who I noticed to be the man with the raven hair and long eyelashes and with that, the speaker cleared his throat.

" Okay that Everyone is here" he briefly made eye contact with the man who'd just came in late, he ran a hand through his messy curls and shyly/apologetically nodded and the speaker continued.

" It would be a great pleasure to announce Lasseter Photograhy's brand new photographer, Mr. LOUIS TOMLINSON! !!"

I walked up on stage, all of a sudden lacking confidence and nerves getting to me. I had no idea why I was so much more nervous now.

I smiled at the manager of this resort who shook my hand with a genuine smile. The crowd erupted in a round of applause and I couldn't help but place my hand on my heart and thank them.

A live band started playing music and everyone took it as a sign to spread out and do their own thing. Most of the models headed for the drinks and food bar and others headed outside to take in the warm, tropical  atmosphere.

I was left standing and talking to a few of the staff who were very weirdly interested in my accent and my whole story about history of England. They also asked me what made me want to become a photographer, what my goals were and who I aspired to be like.

After I had told them everything they wanted to know, I bid them goodbye and started walking to the receptionist. I still needed to find my hotel room... coming to think of it, I didn't even know where Mitch had disappeared to with my luggage. I started to panic again.

I warmly greeted the woman to which she returned the gesture.

"Good day sir, how may I help you?"

I looked at her and thought for a moment.

" Uh.. I'd like to know my room number..where I'll be staying. I'm Louis Tomlinson"

I said rather unsure of my own words.

She looked at me with a huge grin "OH!! Louis Tomlinson, of course! Congratulations by the way!"

She congratulated me and then reached for the phone to make a call and then looked back to me.

" There will be someone on their way to escort you to your room, sir"

I gladly smiled and she attended back to her previous work. I walked over to a bench and waited a bit while reading a magazine

All of a sudden a voice spoke up and I steered my attention away from the magazine.

" Sir, if you'd follow me right this way?" one of the staff asked.

I gladly followed .

We got to my hotel room. The door showing the number 28. He opened the door for me and I was left breathless .

Right in front of me was the most magnificent view of the sea. The scenery really made me feel so calm yet excited. The slow waves very pleasingly moving over the rocks, the tall palm trees billowing in the wind and birds gliding high in the sky.

I admired the beauty as I walked passed my luggage which was already placed to the side of the king size bed, and I stopped in the balcony to get a closer view.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now