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I woke up to an empty cave. None of the lads were in sight and I immediately stood up then paced around trying to calm down and think of the most sane thing.

I guess it's not a big problem. .I mean, they could've went to look for food..or maybe they're just trying to play a godawful prank on me, yeah let's go with the first.

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulders only to wince at the pain going through my lower back from sleeping on the stoned ground.

With much effort, I sucked it up and headed out the dark cave and into the bright, tropical sun.

I looked up in the sky and screeched at the sun's rays, but used my hand as a shield and continued to walk further. I came across a banana tree and my eyes lit.

Out of joy, I leaped towards the tree to pull a banana off, only for a few bunches to fall down on my head.


I picked up a banana and ate the fruit while calming down from my outburst and focused on my objective. To find those neanderthals.

Almost all out of breath and sweat padding my forehead and armpits, I saw an image from afar. It looked like Louis and Harry. I relied on my telescopic vision to get a closer glimpse and walked towards their direction.

They were on a hill, looking pretty coupley and ...cuddly with each other. I felt my cheeks start to heat up as I sneakily spied on the two men, making sure not to disturb them by crouching low and hiding in the bushes while intently watching them.

They had bright smiles and Harry laughed every 5 was probably Louis' sense of humour charming him.

I listened closely and heard a bit of their conversation

" Alas that my heart is a lute, whereon you have learned to play! For many years it was mute, until one summer's day you took it, and touched it and made it thrill. And it thrills and throbs each and every day "

I had to hold back such a huge cackle and scoff. Louis was really pouring his heart out with poetry. poems, if you will, to this man. It really baffled me because the Louis I know was a complete different person..not some Romeo.

I held a hand in front of my mouth to conceal my laughter and listened further.

" Wow! A photographer and a poet huh? What other professions have you?" Harry chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows

" Hmm.. well let me see, oh. I'm quite the champ at football!"

I quirked an eyebrow and then thought about it for a while. He wasn't lying..I mean the man had mad skills, always beating me in both the real activity and at Fifa on playstation.

I focused my attention back on them and Harry had his lips in between his teeth and he had a huge grin

" Oh? Well I'd love it if you taught me how to day... y'know..when we aren't stranded "

Louis chuckled and licked his lip and then wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder

" I'd love to!" Louis said to him while holding his face in his hand and squishing his cheeks, I couldn't help but internally aww at that.

" Was this the face that launched a thousand ships and and burnt the topless towers of Ilam? Sweet Harry make my life immortal with a kiss!"

Louis spoke a whole bunch of soulful poetry to loverboy again and this time I had to roll my eyes at Louis trying to woo him with his incredible drama skills.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now