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After what felt like an whole hour of petting the lamb, the goat, the two piglets and the chicken with harry- who insisted it'd only be fair to treat each animal with the same amount of love and kindness, we decided to walk around for a bit.

The atmosphere and our surroundings was so calm and peaceful. This garden really felt like the ones you'd see in a Disney movie like Tinkerbell or something. It truly is magical.

I glanced over at Harry and saw that he was admiring a daffodil. I looked at it and then back at him and then I bent over and picked one up.

He watched my actions and then a worried pout marked his lips

" You just picked that flower!" He said with disbelief

I looked at him questioningly and smiled  " Yes. Yes I did"

"You can't to that! Now it's dead.."

I looked down at it and a confused look made my features. Was he serious?

"Uhm... I'm sorry. I picked it for you. I thought it'd look pretty on you.." I said sadly, with my face down .I actually felt sad. Wow.

Harry's features softned immediately and he took a step towards me. "..put it on me..'' he said and waited for me to place the daffodil on him.

I looked at him and pondered for a few seconds on where to place it. My eyes soon caught on his hair and I grinned.

I nervously chuckled and stood on my tippy toes to put the flower in his hair. He moved his face up and was met with my Blue eyes but I quickly got back on my heels and awkwardly gave him a smile.

"There" I said and he briefly stared at me and then looked down and let out a chuckle.

He really looked so pretty and as much as I wanted to say it to him, I refrained. Instead, I took out my  phone from my pocket.

" Smile for me, Curly!" I said and he looked surprised, curious as to why I used my phone and not my camera.


"Please" I cut him off.

He let out a breath and hesitantly gave in "Uhm. .okay"

We were currently stood on a bridge with flowered vines threaded through the chains holding the bridge. The sky was a beautiful copper colour and it had started to drizzle with the sun still out.

Harry shyly smiled a toothy smile and and his eyes crinkled. His dimples were on full display and the faint drizzle formed little droplets on his face and on his hair. It was absolutely gorgeous.

I stared at my screen for a while at the picture and was in absolute love with it.

I didn't show it to Harry. I just put my phone back into my pocket and nodded " All done"

He didn't ask any questions and we walked onwards.

We made our way back to the villa and there was a band in the hall performing ' is this love' by Bob Marley.

Harry and I made our way to join the crowd that were cheering to and enjoying the hearty reggae tune.

I sang loudly in unison with the rest and the lead singer noticed me. He called me up on stage and my smile fell.

I didn't see this coming. People started whistling and cheering me on to go on stage but I just couldn't. I knew if I did, I would embarrass myself. I started to feel pressure and nerves kick in.

I suddenly felt an arm around my shoulder. It was Harry  " You really don't have to go up there and sing yknow. It would be nice to see though."

Harry reassured me and I smiled at him . " Yeah, maybe but these people. ..they're all cheering me on and counting on me. "

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now