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Harry and I spent way too much time together alone and we knew we had to get back to zayn eventually because if we didn't he'd really tease us of how obvious we are.

we walked around the area to look for zayn but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. He surely couldn't have left us.

Harry ran a hand through his hair and he had a slight frown on which he'd been trying to hide, but I saw it.

" Hey, look at me" I gently took his chin in my hand

" He couldn't leave us, I mean we didn't give him reason to and we were perfectly fine, right?"

" Yeah..I guess. He'll come back"

I placed my hand on his knee and kissed him on his cheek and I felt a dimple appear.

We continued to walk around and found more coco pines for the water and gathered some bark from trees for the fire, and also along the way to the beach, Harry had found his washed up guitar. It looked terribly damaged but he thought he could still put it to use.

It was already dusk and zayn hadn't shown. I watched as Harry sat down and pulled his bag off.

He took out his journal and thought for a bit before writing in it. I watched him intently as his eyebrows knitted together  in concentration and he tapped the pencil on his lips.

I sat down in front of him, curiosity bubbling inside of me.

" What are you writing, love?"

He looked up at me and slightly  smiled

" Well.. I don't know really, I've been writing a song. I've been thinking a lot about these past few days and how through everything that happened..."

He spoke and then hesitantly stopped. He took the damaged guitar to which he made a few adjustments on and tried to tune it and tighten the broken string together.

He strummed and a satisfied smile made its way onto his face. He looked at me and took a deep breath

" I.. I wrote a song for you"

My eyes lit up and I felt my heart flutter at his words.

He strummed the first strings and looked at me before he started to sing

We were interrupted by a loud, awfully familiar hearty laugh and our eyes flew to the direction.

My mouth was left hanging to the ground.

" TOMMO! !"

Niall ran to me and literally lifted me off the ground in a hug so tight that I couldn't even breathe properly.

His eyes widened as he took in my features and his hands made their way on my shoulders, giving me a shake


Niall was cut off as soon as he noticed Harry awkwardly stand up.

He looked at him with a smile and then his eyes shifted to his neck. He noticed a fresh lovebite to which he grinned.

" Hi I'm Niall. Louis' best mate."  He introduced himself and pulled him into a hug.

Harry was caught off guard but he hugged him anyways.

" He's mentioned you! Nice to meet you...uh... how did you find out where we were?"

" Well, I came to Jamaica to visit Tommo but when I got to the resort,  I was told you guys got caught in a harsh storm and we're stranded. They said they had a search team but clearly it was no help. So here I am."

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now