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Today I hoped would probably be my last as a model at Boss Vibrant. After London fashion week, all us models were given a few days off and then we would have to start preparing for any new upcoming events- which again, I knew I would not longer part of.

During those days, I spent as much time as I could with my now best mates. Zayn, Niall, Liam and I bonded and had a fun time together just joking, bantering, but mostly reminiscing on the 'wild adventure 'as Niall would call it, and I only missed Louis even more.

" You mean to tell me you were high off ya arse right before a speech ya had to share infont of Tommo and Nicholas Grimshaw? ?" Niall widened his eyes in astonishment and held his hand over his mouth to prevent himself from laughing.

" I mean it wasn't that bad..if anything Louis loved my speech. He told me. And as far as Nick's opinion goes, I couldn't care less. The man's got a twig up his ass, he could really use a blunt-"

"Zayn!!" I gasped and hit him against the arm and Niall was already bent over, holding his stomach and trying to catch his breath from how much he'd been laughing.

" What man, it's true!" He raised his hands up in defence.

" Yeah well he's still your boss babe. Even if he does have a twig up there, you love your job and you don't want it taken away from you, now would  you?" Liam rested and arm around Zayn's shoulder and Zayn just shrugged and kissed him on the cheek.

My heart softened at the small scene in front of me and a sad smile made its way onto my face. Niall caught this before I could look down at my lap.

" He misses you just as much, y'know!" I heard Niall say to me as he took a seat next to me, sipping at his beer.

" Yeah?.." I sheepishly looked at him.

" Yeah. I called him last night. He said you were going back home to LA with ya parents for a bit." He looked from me to the label on the bottle.

I sighed and hesitated for a bit, anxiously  running  a hand through my lengthy curls.

" I guess. I mean, yeah just..for a bit. There's stuff I need to settle between us. Me and my parents."

" I see." He slowly nodded in understanding and took another swig at his beer then gave me a reassuring smile.

" I know it'll all go well. Remember what I told ya. Just be the person you want to be and not what others want you to be. "

I looked at him in awe and moved closer to hug him. From the day I met Niall,  only good , positive things had left his mouth. He's good with words so I was so up for his new singing career.

" Louis really does have good taste in choosing a best friend . Thanks Niall. "

The lad settled his bottle down on the table beside him and let out a chuckle.

" Always here for ya, H "

● ● ● ● ●

The flight back to LA was bearable.. maybe because I wasn't on the same one as my mum. She insisted I took the same one with her since we were heading home but I lied and said that I had to finish up a few things first and that it would take a couple hours, so eventually she did takeoff on her own jet.

Most part of why I declined her offer was because I didn't think I was ready to speak my mind or get everything off my chest.

I needed some time alone to gather my thoughts and think about what I am going to do. And if I'll actually be man enough to go through with it. In my heart , I knew my parents loved me but it's a matter of time to be given answers once and for all.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now