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It wasn't long since Harry and I were alone for about 10 minutes and who would've thought he'd already be straddling my face with his length positioned to my mouth.

I certainly didn't see this happening. Not now at least. Literally ten minutes ago I felt so annoyed and now... I was extremely hot and bothered and about to suck Harry off.

He crawled over me, only for our faces to meet and then he bit his lip and shyly buried his face in my neck.

" Louis..uh,,Y-you don't have to, I mean..we can wait..if you want. Maybe just till you're fully healed and stuff..then we can try stuff.." he shakily suggested but I really didn't want to wait. I know i can trust him and he can definitely trust me too, I care for him and I love him so much..I mean, even though I can't make love to him now, I still want to make him feel good and pleasure him a little bit. I think we're both too tensed and stressed and some release wouldn't hurt.

His face was still muffled deeply into my neck and he breathed in and took in my scent, i knew it drove him crazy because he let out slight noises from the back of his throat and he even subconsciously started rolling his hips so that our covered boners rubbed against each other .

He was totally gone and really wasn't having all the waiting anymore. I held his ass in place as he continued grinding, desperately trying to cause some kind of satisfying friction... strings of  pitchy moans left his mouth.

" Whoa whoa..B-baby..Fuck!" I gasped when he quickly stopped his movements, shifted back up and was about to discard his underwear.

I looked up at him and pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth.. his face was as red as a tomato, a thin sheet of sweat covered his face already and his chest rised and fell.

I huffed out some air and then tried to calm my ragged breathing. I then sat up to face him and set my hands on his delicate hips. I gave his love handles a small squeeze to which he blushed and leaned his forehead against mine.

We just kinda stayed like that for a bit and I traced patterns on his sides. I could hear his calmer breathing now.

" Harry.." I whispered into his hair as he cuddled his face into my neck and moved to kiss my collar bones.

" Mm?" He murmured and then looked up to face me, his cheeks still a scarlet red.

" You know that I love you, right? So much! I really care about you and I never ever want to hurt you or pressure you into doing anything you don't feel entirely comfortable with. I want to make sure that you're always happy"

He pulled away and he gave me a confused look but then it turned to a much softer one.

" I know that. I love you too Louis. Very, very much and I know you'd never hurt me. I promise you, I feel extremely comfortable with you. I trust you"  he murmured while maintaining eye contact with me. His gaze was intense yet soft.

I felt my heart warm up and I lightly nodded and then cupped his jaw, he closed his eyes at the contact and sighed in content. I placed a loving kiss on the corner of his mouth.

" Okay. " I simply said then laid back down, only for him to hover over me and blush furiously.

He carefully crawled further up and my face was now aligned with his lower half. He took in a sharp breath but then tried to hide it but I could sense how nervous he actually was.

I didn't want to start right away, I saw  how uneasy and unsure he was but at the same time, his boner was a complete different story. Through his underwear, it was prominent how hard he was.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now