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The day of the event.
London fashion week _[November 23-November 28th]


When we arrived,  all the models were shown to their rooms and had to share them in pairs . Louis, being the photographer obviously got his own and as much as he asked me to stay with him in his, I knew it was against  managements policy so again, Zayn and I decided to be roomies. Louis was cool with that.

But.. the day has finally arrived.  The one I've highly anticipated. To be quite honest, I'm feeling much calmer right now and maybe it's because of the fact that I've rehearsed my walk a couple of times here in Louis' new hotel room. It could also be the fact that Louis has been giving me pep talks 24/7..I mean he even thought it would be a great idea to just get me to relax by laying  in his lap while he played with my hair, which I actually really enjoyed.

We also spoke about my mum, being here and although I knew there was a catch, since there always was with her, Louis tried his best to reassure me that everything will be alright and if anything has to happen, he'll be there for me and confront her about any and everything that includes making me unhappy.

He knows that my parents are unaware that I'm gay and that I fear coming out to them because they might just disown me or have my head on a stick. I mean, he's told me how easy it was for him, well that's because his parents are loving and accepting, something I'd only wish mine to be.

I let out a sigh and snuggled closer to Louis and he gladly embraced me tighter.

" I wish things were different..I mean, if my mum and dad were actually there for me, growing up, they would be more understanding and less them"

Louis looked down at me, slowly nodding and running his hand up and down my arm in a comforting way.

" I know love. But look at it this way yeah? Maybe they're always too caught up in work but your mum did think of you because she's here now..and maybe just talk to her about how you really feel. I think you're too closed off with her, and I can understand why..but just give it a shot and I promise if all goes wrong, I'll be your backbone and we can get through it together"

he offered a warm smile and it was enough to reassure me that things could either go good or bad, but he'll stand by my side no matter what the outcome may be. He also made me realise that I actually never bothered to get in touch with my feelings to talk to my mum, as in the kind of conversation a mother would have with her child. She's always been busy so the thought of going through with it always seemed to be left in the dark.

" Yeah, you're right I guess. I have to at some point anyways. have no idea how much you mean to me" I softly smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

Time went by and we just kinda stayed like that, cuddling and talking about random things while Louis continued to play with my hair but I soon noticed myself drifting off to sleep and I couldn't let that happen.

" Lou, you do know that in a few hours it's showtime right? And may I remind you, Mr. Sexy photographer, that you have a job to do as well!" I murmured slowly with closed eyes as I was a little too relaxed and sleepy from Louis running his fingers through my hair.

I felt the vibration through his chest as he chuckled and couldn't help but kiss it to which he caressed my cheek.

" Mr. Sexy photographer huh? I like that!" He exclaimed with a smug grin.

" Is that all you heard? Were you even listening to anything else I said?"

He playfully yawned and the rolled his eyes and I gave him a seriously?  look.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now