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It was early in the morning and I was still asleep but I could still hear the rumbling and feet hitting the ground in rushed motions. I wasn't a heavy sleeper at all and I was easily awoken by the faintest sounds.

I groaned in annoyance and looked around the room, not so surprisingly, zayn wasn't here. I sat up and checked the time on my phone and it was already 7 a.m.

Realisation hit me that I overslept and I immediately jumped out of bed. I hurried into the bathroom to freshen up but I forgot to take my underwear with. I walked back into the room only to see zayn walk inside.

" G'mornin' curly" he said with a smile "you're finally up!" He added.

On instinct, I quickly hid my pink lacy underwear behind my back and my heart started racing. Oh god please don't tell me he saw that. .

I nervously stuttered and my cheeks reddened " G..good M...morning Zayn. ... how are you t..this morning?" I laughed it off and held on tightly to the garment behind my back.

He looked at me, very amused at my sudden nervousness and he grinned. "What ya hiding there?"

I not so subtly gulped and randomly looked around the room. " Uhm. .. lovely day isn't it? The weather seems amazing to just..kinda ..uh..-"

I was cut off when he approached closer to me and I was mentally dialling 911 in my head.

" So that's what you do? Change the topic to the weather when you're uncomfortable and hiding something?" He mocked

I didn't know what his problem was. I was actually intimidated by him. He had no right to question me. I felt very violated and mad.

He saw the change in my expression and all of a sudden burst into laughter. I was beyond confused.

" What's wrong with you?" I bluntly asked. 

His features immediately softened when he looked at my uneasiness.

" I'm sorry" he apologised and looked sincere. " I didn't mean to freak you out or make you mad. .."

I stared at him and bit my inner lip then looked to the ground " it's okay.." I said, still unsure of what he meant and waited for him to continue.

" I only pulled your leg. I know what you're hiding by the way. Nothing to be embarrassed about " he smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder.

I was still embarrassed even though he'd just told me not to be.

" did"

I was cut off and he spoke. " I saw them peaking out of your suitcase last night and I knew they weren't your girlfriend's because I knew you were gay yesterday when I met you." He said as if it was the most normal thing ever and I flushed at his confession.

" So yeah, again, I'm sorry. But just know that it's all cool, I have nothing against it. When I told you you were cool yesterday, it was after I noticed you were gay. And I meant it"

I honestly didn't know what to say. Was it that obvious? ? I scrunched my nose and brought my arms back to view. I had nothing to hide anymore, so. It still felt weird though not gonna lie.

"Uhm.. haha okay cool...thank you I mean I'm sorry too..for like.."

" You don't have to apologise.  Listen, we can stand here and go on about your Victoria Secret underwear or we could save it for another day and for now, get our assess ready and on our way to Jamaica " he winked

I gasped and hit his arm playfully to which he laughed and pushed me back inside the bathroom and then left.

For some reason, there was a huge grin on my face. I felt some kind or reassurance and relief. He really is one of a kind. Unpredictable. But still one of a kind.

Sail away with me over the Jamaican seas||LARRY STYLINSONWhere stories live. Discover now