Four - Luna

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Wincing, I moved my hand back from Mark, who was wrapping it. He placed a kiss to my lips. "Tell me about this place, this community you have." I say, leaning back against the wall, watching as Michael shifted where he was tied up.

"Arkadia." He says, looking at me. "It's this big place, fenced in to keep the biters out. The people are safe there. There's enough room for all of you. Room for you and your husband. All of your group. We can get you a spot that when that baby comes and cries no one will hear it." Michael explains to me.

I looked to Michael when he said "husband" neither Mark or I made a move to correct him on that one. I looked to the ground, running my hand through my hair.

The group came back soon enough, with cans of food and a tied up man, who looked to be slightly panicked and concerned when he saw Michael tied up. We tied them up together and I paced in front of them.

"Luna." Michael says, making me look to him and stop pacing. "You're really considering not coming with me?" He asks and I look to the floor.

"I don't know you." I say to him as I paced again.

"Why wouldn't we go with them?" Bella asked from beside Lynne. "It's safe there so we should go."

"Bella, Laurel, go to the back stall." Lynne says as I let out a sigh. The two walked off, muttering words of anger.

"Luna, maybe you should talk this over with the group. Where's Caleb? He'd agree with me." He says and I stop dead in my tracks. The barn falls silent as I let out a shaky breath.

"Michael. . .Caleb's dead." I say, turning to look at him.

"W-what?" Michael's shaky voice rang out. "What happened?" He asked, looking to me with the look of pity that I've come to hate.

"These people, Harper, Rei, they. . .they attacked us, stole from us, hurt us. They killed Caleb in front of us and I killed them." I say, locking eyes with him. "It was us or them and I chose us."

"You what?" Laurel's voice rang out. "You killed them?" She asked, walking in front of the group.


"No! You killed my mother and father?" She asked, shrugging off Lynne when she went to pull her back. "You killed them and you let me believe that you were the good guys!?"

"What did you want me to do!" I yelled, making everyone jump. "Huh? What was I supposed to do? Let them kill us all after what they did? They hurt us, they beat Bella, they killed my brother and what? I was supposed to let them kill the rest of my family? No! I did what I saw was right!"

"No! You killed them! You killed them and I hate you!" She yelled, getting in my face. "I hate you! You're nothing but a bitch! You're brother probably deserved I-"

Laurel was cut off by a sharp slap to the face. She stumbled back a bit and I stared down at my hand in shock and fear. Tears ran down Laurels face and everyone in the room was frozen.

I looked to Mark and motioned to grab Michael as I walked to the door to leave. I grabbed Madelyn's arm.

"You're in charge. We'll be back and everyone is to be packed and ready."

Catch My Breath {MARKIPLIER X OC & LISBUG X OC}Where stories live. Discover now