Forty-Five - Lynne

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"Lynne, I want to tell you something," my mother said as she ran a hand through my now braided hair, "It's about me being pregnant."

"Have you decided on a name?" I asked, excited, as I sat up straight and turned around to face her. She gently smiled, laughing softly though it turned into a painful cough.

"Yes, well, I wanted to come here for an idea, actually," she said quickly, shaking her head when she noticed the glint in my eyes when she said that.

"Really? Me for an idea?" I asked, my eyes full of wonderstruck.

She nodded, "Yes, Lynne. If you were to have a little baby sister, what do you think you'd want her to be named?" She asked.

Her voice was weak. Her eyes were cold and dark. Her skin was cold as she pressed it to my temple to move some of my hair away. She was sick, and we all knew it. But she still smiled, and she still acted strong.

By this time, Lillisa was far dead. Lukas wasn't, but he would be. Same with Alexandria. It was just us, my mother, father, and I. It sounded like a family too big to handle - but to us it was small, and we urged for more.

I looked to her cautiously before answering, "Bella."


"Short for Isabella."

She smiled as she turned back to my braided hair, "Isabella Daisy Graile." She whispered, placing a kiss to the back of my hair, "I like it."

I felt my crumbling foundation collapse to the floor, my head drowned out with static and my eyes immediately coated with tears. I screamed out painfully, my throat aching with the sensation of a burning, cold claw as it rammed up the stem of my voice, my stomach's core burning with the word that I barely managed to yell out through the immediate sob I coated my heart with. "NO!" I screamed, tears rolling down my face as I saw her in Madelyn's arms.

I hadn't even seen what happened to her at first. I hadn't seen what everyone was so worked up about. I was looking. I wasn't seeing.

How could this have happened?

How could I have let this happen to my baby girl?

Blood rested against her arms, tracing down her arms. Her body was relaxed, her eyes shut peacefully and her cold smile turned into a dark and mystic frown. The dress she usually wore was painted in her warm blood. Her lips were chapped, her lips were blue and her knee socks were torn and dirty. She looked as if she had just gotten into a fight with a beast and lost.

Inside of me, I could feel a burning light grazing up my blood. I could feel the memories of what she was and how we used to act flash through my head in grazed scandals. My nightmares were unfolding before my eyes, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I knew more than anyone that there was no way to save her, which caused the sadness that broke my inside feelings - the last shed of happiness I owned to disappear into air. I was helpless; a dog inside of a cage with no chance of escape as I watched my whole family die.

Promises ran through my head, promises that I swore to her I would keep. I remembered promising her stuff in my dreams - talking to my mother and giving her gentle whispers that I would hold her tight and never let anything happen to her.

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