Twenty-Two - Luna

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"It'll be fine, not like I haven't gone out on a run before." I say with a smile as I place a kiss to Mark's lips. "I'll be with Lisa and Michael, nothing bad's gonna happen." I say, my arms around his shoulders before my attention went to Bella, who ran through the front door and past us.

I let go of Mark and moved to follow her before I was stopped. Mark gave me a sad look, placing a kiss to my forehead. "I'll talk to her, you have to go soon." He says and I nod, watching as he walks off after Bella.

I sigh, running my hand through my hair. Lisa and I were scheduled to go on a run with Michael and three others from the community. They called themselves "professionals" with the outside.

Things like that make me worry for this place. It makes me wonder just how many people actually have been outside of these walls like Michael has. How capable are these people really when it comes to the outside world?

"Luna?" Jinxx's voice called, making me turn around. Jinxx stood in the doorway that lead to the kitchen and the dining room. I raised an eyebrow as I walked over.

"What's up? I gotta go soon." I say and he nods his head.

"I know, I just wanted to say good luck." He says, reaching out for a hug, which I return. "Come back in one piece." He says and I roll my eyes, pulling away from him.

"Of course, make sure nothing happens while we're gone." I say and he nods his head. I place my hand on his shoulder and our eyes lock. "Look out for Bella okay? I'm scared for her." I say and he nods his head again.

"Of course." He says and I smile, squeezing his shoulder before walking away from him and out of the house. Two cars are parked at the gate, Lucas and Michael are there, saying goodbye to each other.

Lisa stands, leaning against the car in the back, looking down at the ground. I nod to Michael as I walk up, putting my bag in the back. "Lisa? You okay?" I asked, closing the trunk and walking over.

She stayed silent for a bit before looking at me. "Lynne yelled at Bella." She says and I tilted my head. "I was going to say goodbye to Lynne before I left and I heard Lynne yelling at her before she came running out past me." She says and I let out a sigh.

"These things happen, Hell I got yelled at more than she did and half the time I didn't do anything." I say and she smiles a bit, nodding her head.

"I guess so, but Lynne's never done something like that, she snapped at her." Lisa says and I place my hand on her shoulder.

"We'll work this out when we get back, I promise." I say with a smile on my face.

"I guess." She says and I smile, motioning to the car.

"Let's show these idiots how survivors go on runs."

Catch My Breath {MARKIPLIER X OC & LISBUG X OC}Where stories live. Discover now