Forty-Two - Luna

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Hearts beat fast with colors and promises. You learn how to be brave and wonder how to love when you're afraid to fall. It's in human nature to be scared of falling, falling could lead to a number of things.

The one that I know the most is death from it. The fall doesn't actually kill you fun fact, the sudden stop at the bottom does. When everything comes crashing to a sudden stop is when things get hectic. Another fun fact, bones break as easy as hearts do.

If you stop suddenly from 200 km/hr over a distance of a few centimeters, everything in your body would effectively weigh 7,500 times more than normal. That being said your 1.5 kg brain briefly weighs 10 tonnes.

In that brief instant, cells are burst open and blood vessels are torn asunder. The aorta will usually rip loose from the heart. For a few beats, your heart continues to pump blood into the space around the heart and lungs, while no blood goes to your brain.

But most of the blood vessels in your brain have also instantaneously torn loose. After that brief instant, your "weight" returns to normal - but blood is now eating its way through your irreparably damaged brain. This is what medical people mean to when they refer to "massive internal bleeding".

It's quite fascinating when you look at it the right way. How people say that "they were dead before they hit the ground". It's quite a stupid thing when you know the real reason. A fear of heights stems from the fear of falling and the fear of death from that is the fear of the sudden stop at the end that kills you.

Cool ain't it? Maybe not to some people but it's something that I've always found fascinating. It's pretty cool as well to watch it happen to someone. It's even more thrilling to be the one to cause it.

To know that you only made them fall and what kills them is the stop. Guess that's what they mean when they say, "made them fall to their death". Death of course being the ground below.

I'm not saying that it's the best way to go. But there's a moment of bliss, the feeling that you're flying that takes you away from the reality that when you reach the bottom you're dead, and there's no coming back from that.

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