Eleven - Lynne

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I was never good at interviews, after all. When I managed a job at the hospital, I was surprised, since I tend to fold under pressure.

"Do you mind if I record this?" Brittney asked, and I shrugged.

"Doesn't matter," I replied nonchalantly, and she smiled, nodding.

"Good," she said, "so, you're Lynne, right? Sister of the young one?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Yeah," I said.

"What were you before all this, Lynne?" She asked me, and I shrugged.

"I was an E-R nurse," I said. She raised her eyebrows, a little surprised, leaning back in her chair.

"Really? And what did you do at the ER?" She asked.

I sighed, rolling my eyes gently as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I worked anywhere I was told to. I learned how to act in critical conditions. I learned how to help people, how to help a woman give birth and how to help kids live after a suicide attempt."

"So sounds like you're pretty important in the group," she replied.

I shook my head, "no more than anyone else. I've taught them a lot, but I guess none of them are confident enough in bad situations to step forward." I suggested.

"And why would people in your group not be confident enough?" She asked. I fell silent, blinking for a second.

"Well," I said, "nobody wants to feel like they caused a death. Nobody wants to lose someone because they weren't quick enough to insert a needle or lower a fever or give them our medication. They tend to crack under pressure, they get too scared with a life in their hands. I guess I'm just used to it." I shrugged. "Why do you need to know anyway?"

"We have people here, people who need to pull their weight. You know? Otherwise, we wouldn't have Arkadia." She smiled, "There aren't too many people here in the medical department."

"Sounds like you got lucky, then, finding our group," I replied.

"How so?" She asked.

"You can't survive out there. Not without someone like Luna or Mark. You can't survive a walker bite on your arm without me. And you'll lose your sanity if you don't see a little girl offering you flowers and asking if you want to 'play' everyday." A smile crossed my lips gently as I thought about Bella. "I'm just saying."

"How long have you kept your sanity, then? How old were you when the outbreak happened?" She asked.

I felt my breathing freeze in memory of when it first begun. "Bella was six," I said, "she barely even started school."

"I asked how old you were," she corrected me.

"I know," I said, nodding, "but I don't give that information out to people who I just met."

"But you'll tell me you're a nurse?" She asked, laughing to ease the mood.

"That's necessary," I said, standing up, "if you get hurt you'll come to me. But you knowing I'm Twenty-Eight won't ever help you in any situation."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Who's next?" I asked after a second, turning to walk away and leave the room.

Catch My Breath {MARKIPLIER X OC & LISBUG X OC}Where stories live. Discover now