Forty-Three - Lynne

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The heart is an interesting organ. It's interesting because of how underrated it is, even though it's a muscular organ that provides the body with oxygen and nutrients, and assists in the removal of metabolic wastes. The heart has four chambers, a heart wall, valves which are inside of the four chambers, a pericardium, and coronary circulation - which provides the heart tissue with oxygen and nutrients. A nerve supply is in it, obviously, and it receives nerve signals from the vagus nerve from the sympathetic trunk - which influence the force of heart contraction.

The heart is located in between our lungs, but sometimes we can feel it in our stomach when we get near someone we really like our somebody compliments us. It's extremely strong, pumping blood with a rhythm determined by a group of pacemaking cells in the sinoatrial node, but sometimes we can feel our hearts breaking in our ribcages when someone insults us or the person we love most in the world decides the heart isn't that important.

Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death globally as of 2008, but it is not the only way someone can die from their heart, even though they'll say that stroke, coronary artery disease, and heart attacks are the most commonly specifications of death.

Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy is a fancy set of words to mean Broken Heart Syndrome, which is caused by the heart's reaction to a surge of stress hormones. Stress, adrenaline, and actions might temporarily damage the hearts of some people and is often preceded by an intense physical or emotional event like news of a death, a medical diagnosis, domestic abuse, losing or winning a lot of money, strong arguments, and finally - a surprise birthday party. But don't worry, they say most people will experience broken heart syndrome, but only once.

It's funny that the heart can be the first leading cause of death in America but also the 10th, as suicide does not particularly happen unless your heart decides to stop pumping.

Actually, come to think about it, the heart is the reason for all deaths. It's the one that stops, that opts out, that decides the pigments inside of your eyes would look better grey or convince you that something like an armament cartridge would be very appetizing.

The heart ultimately dictates everything we do, but we don't really understand it too much. It's a mystery how you can feel the blue coating of ice cross over the four cages that your heart owns. How much the world stings without the feeling of it pumping blood at a rate that is appealing to you.

That is the heart -

the most underrated organ in the human body.

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