Eighteen - Luna

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"You know." I spoke, standing on the porch next to Mark. a nice breeze came through the town as we stood. "Caleb always talked about getting a place like this." I say, making Mark look to me.

"I'm sure he would love this." He says, placing a kiss on my head.

I smile, looking to him. "Yeah he would have. He always talked about it, finding someone special, having a kid or two, and settling up in a nice town. We'd always drive by them when going to the store and all he talked about was a family." I say, leaning my head on Mark's shoulder.

Mark wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "You miss him." He says, placing a kiss on my head again.

"I do. I always will." I say, "I lost the ring." I say, making Mark chuckle a bit. "What?" I asked, nearly glaring at him when I saw the ring in his hand.

"You dropped it at some point and I picked it up. I was waiting for the moment to give it back." Mark says, making me sit up.

"What are you doing?" I asked when Mark unchained my dogtags. I watched as Mark put the ring on the chain.

"Now you won't lose it." He says and I smile.

"I love you." I say before my attention went to the sound of the door opening. I felt Mark tense up, making me look to see Jinxx, fidgeting where he stood.

"Uh. . .Luna, can I talk to you?" He asked and Mark moved to talk but I stopped him. "Please?"

I look to Mark and nod, placing a kiss to his lips. "Go on inside, I'll be in after this." I say against his lips. Mark nods his head and goes inside, shooting a glare to Jinxx.

I lean turn back and lean against the railing, watching the sky. Jinxx comes up beside me and leans against the railing. We stand there for awhile in the silence, watching the sky.

"You know, I keep playing it back." I say, making Jinxx look to me but my eyes are still on the sky. "I keep seeing his death, trying to find a way that we could have done it all differently. To just see him again. You know?" I ask, my hand reaching up to fiddle with the tags and ring.

"Yeah, I know." Jinxx says with a sigh. "I tried to block it out. To pretend that it didn't happen. Yet I end up taking it out on the group. On you. I'm sorry." He says and I look to him.

"You're an asshole, you know that?" I ask and he lowers his head, nodding. "Good." I say, looking back up to the sky. "Maybe we can fix this. All of this." I say, only holding the ring between my two fingers. "He wanted to marry you."

"What?" Jinxx asked, not sure if he was hearing right.

"He wanted to marry you, told Lynne and me. I got him a ring and he was gonna do it once we were safe and away from the herd." I say looking back at him. "For that, no matter how much you fuck up. You're my family. Always Jinxx." I say, pushing off of the railing and turning towards the door. "Don't forget that."

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