Thirty-Seven - Lynne

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People didn't have time to blink before Madelyn's sword was through Brittney's stomach, her blood spilling. Madelyn pulled it out, a smirk plastered on her face and her sword swinging through the air to the person next to her. Echo yelped in fear, but before the last person standing could do so much as open his mouth, Blake shot from above the hill - her sniper in hand as Madelyn gave a salute.

Another person came running down, shooting a wave of bullets. Luna turned around quickly, pulling out her python and shooting the attacker in between the eyes.

Another bang let out, followed by a screech as people desperately ran from their houses to the outside to see the council dead on the ground.

Everything just happened so fast, but then again - it wasn't like we weren't experienced to it.

"Attention," Mark said, holding his hand up and staring the people down as if they were emotionless toddlers, "The council is dead."

About a dozen different voices rang out, each shedding fear and desperation. They clung onto each other, children screaming and mothers beginning to yell at what we had done.

We had felt like the outcasts.

Like we were the kids who had just broken something in pre school. Like we were the ones who had just gotten in trouble by our parents. Like we were the ones with two heads, the ones who should be in the circus.

They looked at us as if we were insane. We were the new people and we had just murdered their gods who they had devoted their lives to. We had just ruined their lives, their entire existence. Their future. Their safety. We had ruined everything.

They looked jarred - but Madelyn put up a fist. "Everyone shut up." She demanded, her sword high in the air.

Silence quickly rang out, making Madelyn sigh as she took a step forward. "These people that you have been looking up to your entire life, they've been feeding you lies. They've been feeding you your own people."

Their eyes went wide and some of them began to speak, before Madelyn continued, "They took away one of our own. They took away a friend of ours. A man who we loved deeply. They fed him in the food they gave you. They've been doing it since they began this damn place."

"You can't--."

"Your parents, your sisters, your brothers - everyone that went missing, they were forced inside of their crates. They were chopped up, forced into walkers, killed, and then fed to you guys. And they lied to your faces the next day; told you everything was alright."

"That's bullshit! It's all bullshit!" Someone screamed.

Madelyn's eyes flickered between the people, and she scoffed. "You're close minded if you think that this was all done out of coincidence." She pointed out, "We are the ones who are going to survive. And we are doing this to protect you. We may be the outcasts, but we are the ones who are ultimately going to keep your family alive. That's our promise. We're going to be the new council, and anyone that doesn't believe us or wants to go against us can leave Arkadia."

"How the Hell do you know you can save us? We need the council!" A woman yelled.

Madelyn smirked, "Because we're the naturals."

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