Forty-Six - Luna

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There's a moment in time when a tragedy happens that you're the only thing that can move.
You're the only one that can act because everyone else is frozen. I've had it many happen to many people when I was across the world, fighting a war that doesn't matter anymore. 
This was one of those moments, looking at a girl that I've come to know nearly all of my life after the breakout and seeing her dead. Not by someone else because we couldn't stop them, not by a walker that we didn't kill in time, but by herself.
She was the one to kill herself because we were too damn blind to see that she was being eaten from the inside out. She tried to kill herself and no one made a move, just watched in shock and awe at the sight still in Madelyn's. I was the first to make a move, starting to walk around the table, glass breaking under my steps.
"No." I muttered, all that I could see was this girl, this girl that I was not gonna let die, despite how pale she was. 
Michael made the next move in the room. The move to stop me by grabbing my arm. By now Lynne had already fallen to the ground, her scream had filled the house, tears running down her face. 
"Luna." Michael spoke though I barely heard, all that I could hear was ringing in my ears and my heart in my stomach. I jerked my arm out of Michael's grasp, making my way around the table as Lynne sobbed at the entrance way from the kitchen to the dining room.
 "No." I muttered again, walking up to Madelyn, who was crying. I shook my head, looking at the girl in her arms.
"She's not dead." I tried to convince myself in a whisper that got lost in the shock filled air. Madelyn moved her hair a bit to look at me.
"I'm so sorry." She says and I clench my hands into fists, my nails digging into the palms of my hands. I hated when people did that. Say sorry for something that was out of their control, though maybe we could have changed it so that she wasn't lying in Madelyn's arms, pale with blue lips. 
"No." I say loud and clear now, getting people's attention. "We're gonna save her, she'd gonna live." I say, looking around the room. Reaching forward, I take Bella from Madelyn's arms.
"Madelyn, go get towels! Lynne, get the Hell up and get your needle." I say, tracing a hand over her face. "Michael, go get her assistant, whatever his name is, I'm not letting her die on me."
No one makes a move to do as I say. We could help her if they understood that. That in my arms was a girl who was dying and not dead. That maybe we could get to hear her laugh and see her smile one more day. I look around the room.
Everyone's looking at the floor, each other, no one's looking at me or Bella. I feel her cold blood on my hands as I hold her, coming off of her dress that was soaking wet.
 "Gods Damnit! Why isn't anyone doing anything?" I screamed, making some people jump at the outburst. Lisa held Lynne in her arms as she cried, sobbed, on the floor.
"Please." I spoke, my words broken as tears filled my eyes, blurring my one sided gaze. I gripped the girl in my arms, wanting to wake up and this be a dream. What I would give for this to be a dream. I'd trade my life if she got to live here and I guess that's my fault for not expressing it enough.
 I know the signs better than anyone and I was too blind by everything going on to even sit down with the damn group for a day.
Too much happened too fast and suddenly I'm gone nearly every day to help a community that we took over. My group was falling apart at the seams and I did nothing to stop it. I didn't reach out after the first time that she did it.
I didn't ask her if she was okay now, that she could have come to me about the demons eating her and I could have taken some of them. But I didn't.
I fell to my knees, Mark being the one to move when I did, being at my side. My side is where I wish Bella was, that was her seat at the table after all. She was gonna sit next to me and on my other side was gonna be Mark. 
"Please." I whispered, dipping my head down to the body in my arms. "Please come back, we can't lose you too." I begged her, thinking that maybe, just maybe, she would hear my pleads and come back. "Please princess, I can't lose you too."
Lynne's voice breaks the air as she yells to no one. God maybe in this instance. Madelyn took Bella from my arms as I broke down, tears streaming down my face and onto the floor. My hands shook, blood on them as I cried. As Mark pulled me into his arms, I cried into his neck.
"She's gone Mark." I breathe out, Mark stroking my back gently. "She's really gone." My voice comes out in hiccups as I sob into his neck. Mark's hand stops on my back.
"I know baby." He says, his voice cracked and breaking. He's trying to hold it together, for everyone, for me, for Bella.
"I know baby, it's gonna be okay." He says and I shake my head. After all that we've been through it's never gotten okay. There hasn't been a time where I haven't woken up in the middle of the night, or gotten no sleep at all because of a nightmare of Caleb getting his head cut off, or James doing things to me, hands on me, or Jinxx walking out of the shadows, London eyes and all. It never seems to get better. No matter what we do, it always gets worse. Nothing ever wants to go our way, no matter how much we try, or want it to, it never happens. Maybe Gods are trying to tell us to stop trying to make things okay. They could have chosen a different way. 
"She's gone." Was all I could get out before I broke down again. 

She was really gone. 

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