Forty-Four - Luna

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"I swear to God, I'm gonna make you pay to stare at me." Mark says, peaking an eye open to look at me. I smiled at him before laying my head back down on his chest. We had decided on having a lazy day for the most part, it now being past noon and I was needed for a quick council meeting in half an hour.

Gently, Mark ran his hand through my hair with a sigh. "Whatever you say, you love the attention." I say and he laughs, my head moving with his laughter. "I gotta go soon baby." I say and he shakes his head, tightening his arms around me.

Stretching my arms, I sit up, making Mark groan at the lost of contact. I smile at him, hitting his shoulder before standing up, changing into a new outfit for the day. It was another nice day like it had been for the past few weeks, clear skies day and night.

I pulled on a new red and black flannel, my leather jacket over top of it. Mark got up from the bed, wrapping his arms around me, pressing a kiss to my neck, trailing down. "Do you have to go?" He asks me and I nod my head, turning in his arms.

"I do." I say, pressing a kiss to his lips while I slip on my boots. "Then I'll be back and we'll help set up for dinner by then and then we can come back here, you and me, and lay in bed until our eyes give out." I say with a smile on my lips.

"Okay." Mark says, pressing a light kiss to my nose, making me laugh a bit. "I love you." He says and I nod my head, kneeling down and tying my boots before standing back up.

"I love you more." I say, kissing his lips before leaving the room, adjusting my belt as I walked out. My boots clicked on the wooden floor as I walked down the stairs and out of the house, making my way to Madelyn's house, where the meeting was being held until we get a better place to house it.

Walking up, I knock on the door before opening it and walking in, Lynne flashing me a smile as she walked up. "Oh good, you're here. Come on, we're about to start." She says, leading to the basement where we had our temporary meetings.

"Sup guys?" I ask with a smile as we walked down the stairs. "Let's get through this fast." I say, people flashes smiles as I spoke. The table in the middle of the room had a map of the community.

Around the table itself were the other members of the council: Madelyn, Blake, Lucas, and Michael. Lynne and myself of course were apart of it. "Why? Got somewhere do be Luna?" Michael asked with a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yeah, in bed with my man." I say, pushing him a bit as I took my spot at the table, Lynne on my other side.

"Well then we'll get right to it, we've taken notice that there's been walker build up against the south wall. Lucas suggested leading them away." Madelyn says, like always, taking the lead at these meetings, she's a natural born leader.

I looked to Lucas after she spoke. "With what? The stereo set we found on the last run?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Set them up in the back of one of the trucks and drive by, blasting music." He says and I nod my head, a smile on my face.

"I'm down for a drive by." I say and Lynne laughs at my enthusiasm. I flash her smile before looking to Madelyn. "And about the retaliation?" I ask her and she lets out a sigh.

"We'll just have to keep pushing, they need to understand that we're in charge and that's it." She says and I nod my head in agreement.

This went on for a while, asking questions and fixing things about the current problems going on the community. A few hours had passed by the time that we had finished, everyone leaving and heading to Lynne and Lisa's house for dinner that we had been planning for over two weeks.

Michael nudged my side, making me look to him with a raised eyebrow. "There's your man." He says and I smile as my eyes land on Mark, who was walking towards us.

"Hey you." I say with a smile, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing a kiss to his lips.

"Get a room you two." Lynne says with a laugh and I hold up my hand, flipping her off, her laughter getting louder as she walked passed us.

"Come on, let's go help with dinner." I say, taking his hand in mine as we walk up and into the house. Lynne had already taken to helping Lisa in the kitchen cook.

The table was set and everyone was taking their seats as food slowly started to come out and be set on the table. I look around the room and frown, taking note on the number of people that are in the room.

"Lynne?" I call as I walk to the entrance of the kitchen, looking to the black haired girl. She glanced to me with a raised eyebrow. "Where's Bella?" I ask and she looks back to the food.

"Probably in her room, she said she was gonna take a nap before dinner. Madelyn?" Lynne answers, calling out to our friend.

"Yeah?" Madelyn calls back, appearing next to me in the doorway. "What's up?" She asks and Lynne looks back her.

"Could you do me a favor and go get Bella from her room?" Lynne asks and Madelyn nods her head, walking away and up stairs. "Luna, can you take this?" Lynne asks me, holding out a glass bowl, different assortments of fruit sat in it, making me smile.

"Of course Greenie." I say, making her smile as I took it. "We almost ready? I spent all day in bed and at a meeting, I need to eat." I say, making the pair laugh before I walk out. Everything was calm, Echo was actually out of her room for the first time in weeks, being nearly all the way healed from her wounds, she was sitting next to Blake towards the end, the pair chatting away.

I looked to Mark and laughed when he looked to me and stuck out his tongue. Behind him was the staircase, leading up stairs to the second floor.

I could hear Madelyn walking to the stairs as I made a face back at Mark. Her footsteps were slow as she got to the stairs, making her way down and making me look up, smile plastered on my face until I focused on Madelyn.

She had her hair in front of her eyes, only glimpse of which brought on the sight of her crying. Trailing my eyes down, I dropped the bowl at the sight, it crashing and shattering on the floor.

My smile faded and turned into my gasp and slight scream at the sight, my hands over my mouth. Everyone seemed to react so quick, jumping up before all focus was on Madelyn.

In her arms was Bella, pale, blue lips, and blood dripping down her arms and to the floor and Madelyn's clothes.

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