Twenty-Six - Luna

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Shaking my head, I got out of the car and walked with the group to the entrance. I gripped my crossbow in my hands, eyes locked on the door. "How are we gonna handle this?" Miller asked and I rolled my eyes, walking past the group and to the door.

"Like normal people and go through the damn door?" I asked and he glared at me. "In and out, get what we need and get back to the community, that's that." I say, crossing my arms, Lisa nodding in agreement.

"You're not in charge here. Just because you're new don't mean shit." He says and I shoot him a glare back.

"Calm down both of you. We're going in, Brendon, Travis, Jacob take the west wing the four of us will take the east wing." Michael says and they nod their heads.

I roll mine, motioning for Lisa to follow me as we open the doors and walk in. The place is quiet, almost too quiet for my liking as we split up from the other three.

We walked in silence for a bit, going through the rooms and taking what we needed along with extra things like blankets for the winter and left behind clothing. I smile came to my face at the sight of a walker coming down the hallway.

Miller moved in to kill it, making me roll my eyes and raise my crossbow, firing at the walker. With a faded groan, it dropped to the ground, dead. I smirked, walking over and pulling my arrow.

"Gotta be faster mate." I say, reloading the arrow and walking down the hallway, to the room that caught my eye at the end of the hallway.

Supply closet was written in text as well as braille under the text. I let out a whistle, motioning to Lisa to help me get the supplies while Michael and Miller kept on looking around.

"Now we're talking." I say with a smile as we walk into the closet, looking around and grabbing the different vials and packs that hold needles.

"This should help when winter rolls around." Lisa says and I nod my head with a smile.

"Hopefully we'll be okay, last winter here was brutal." I say, putting boxes of bandaids and raps into my bag.

"Yeah it was, but we'll do better this time around, we have heating this time around." She says and I roll my eyes at her.

"You may not have had heating but we did at the house." I say with a smirk and she gives me a look, pushing me by the shoulder a bit.

We loaded up our bags and began to leave the room. A loud bang sounded out through the building, making me look to Lisa in confusion "Luna!" Michael's voice ripped through the air, making me jump and for Lisa and I to take off towards where the pair went.

Miller was lent against a pair of double doors, holding it closed while Michael was on the floor, halfway through the doorway. We ran up and Miller looked to us in panic.

"What the Hell happened?" I yelled, rushing to help Michael only to see that he was stuck by a fallen shelf. A dead walker laid on it, head close to Michael's with a knife in it.

"I was leaving this room and the walker came out of nowhere, it was stuck behind the bookcase, I didn't think it could get out." He says and I roll my eyes, looking to Lisa, who was helping Miller hold the door closed. "Miller hit the handles off cause the door were locked, it all happened so fast." He says and I nod my head.

"Miller, help Michael out, I'll get the door." I say, moving to take his place. I press my back to the door, watching Miller rush to help Michael out. All that I could hear was the groans of walkers as they pushed on the doors, the glass of the windows cracking. "Now would be nice!" I yelled and MIller glared at me.

"I'm trying." He grunts, trying to lift the shelf off of Michael.

"Lisa, help him, I got the door." I say and she hesitates before nodding and moving to help Miller. Grunting, I get jolted forward a bit, my back moving off the door for a moment and that was all it took for them to come through.

I pulled out my sword, spinning on my heel, and slicing the head off of one of them.,

"Now!" I yelled over the walkers, slicing a few more as they piled into the hallway.

"Luna!" Lisa yelled, making me look to see only her now, trying to pull Michael out from under the bookcase.

My eyes darted around before I sliced another walker. "Fuck me!" I yelled, sheathing my sword and pulling out my pistol in my left hand, firing as I helped pull Michael with my right as Lisa lifted. I could feel my shoulder pop a bit as Michael slid out from under it, Lisa and I helping him up.

With a gasp of pain, Michael and Lisa started down the hallway as fast as they could move, me following behind while firing at the walkers. We got to the front door quickly, rushing out as fast as possible only to see that there were no cars, no other group and no Miller in sight.

They left us here. 

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