Twenty - Lynne

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"So what? People just disappear and never return?" Luna asks, her head on my lap. Lisa nods her head as Lynne paces the room. "Like, it's a normal thing?" She asks and they nod their heads once more.

"Auschwitz." Lynne says, making all of us look to her. "That's how Claire described it." She says and Luna sits up.

"The concentration camp?" I ask and Lynne nods her head, nervously playing with her hands.

"It's strange isn't it?" Lisa asks and Luna and I nod our heads in agreement.

"I'll talk to Michael about it, he's bound to know something about this. Until then, act like you didn't hear about this. We keep this to the group, no need to panic about these things just yet." Luna says and we nod our heads in agreement.

"Go inform the group, keep this to us. No secrets in this group, we share everything." I say and the pair nod before leaving the room. Luna sighs, looking to me before running her hand over her face. "Do you really think they're killing their own people here?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders, looking down.

"I don't know anymore Mark." She says and I sigh, placing my hands on her shoulders. She lets out a breath, shifting on the bed so that her back is to me as she drops her head into her hands. "Michael has to know, he just has to, right?" She asks and I stay silent, my hands massaging her shoulders.

"You know him better than I do, you tell me Dove." I say, placing a kiss to her neck. She breathes out, her head falling back on my shoulder. "Everything's gonna be fine Lune, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." I say, kissing down her neck.

"Nothing's going to happen at all, we're getting to the bottom of this, starting with Michael tomorrow during our run." She says, gasping when I bite where her neck and collarbone meet.

"That's tomorrow," I mutter against her neck. "Now, you should relax Dove." I say, turning her so that she's sitting on my lap. "I love you." I say, smiling as I trail kisses up her neck.

Luna lets out a moan, her hands finding their way to my hair, pulling a bit. I groan, reaching down and unbuttoning her flannel. "Mark." She moans, making me growl as I kiss along her collarbone and down to her chest just above her bra. She pulls at my hair harder, pulling me back from her.

We lock eyes before she pulls me into a kiss, moaning against my lips. My hands trace from her waist up her back, making her tense up. I pause, my hands stopping in the middle of her back.

Luna pulls back from me, her eyes not meeting mine. "Luna." I say but she doesn't reply to me. "Luna, turn around for me." I say and she shakes her head. "Luna, baby, please." I say and she takes a moment before slowly turning around so that her back was to me.

I knew about the scars on her arms and her collarbone but never had I seen her back. Scars covered her back, ranging from faded pale to a deep purple, large and small.

Hesitantly, I raised my hand and lightly touched her back. She flinched away from my touch. She let out a shaky breath, making me pull back from her. "I'm not gonna hurt you Lune. You know that. I'm not him, nor will you ever be hurt like this again." I say, leaning forward and placing a kiss to one of the big scars on her back.

She flinches away and I turn her around so that she's facing me. Tears ran down her face, making me frown, reaching up and wiping away the tears.

"Nothing's gonna happen to you." I say, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I promise.

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