A New Dream Begins With a New Year

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 Beatriz Pitsuji woke up to the sound of her alarm clock ringing loudly, she opened her eyes and scowled at the clock. "Die. Die. Die," she mumbled as she slowly reached over and slammed her hand on the clock. She sat up in bed, stretched, then reached over for her pastel pink tracksuit.

Suddenly, her Aikatsu Mobile pinged. She had gotten a text. Before heading out for some morning jogging, Izzy picked up her mobile and checked her message.

Chase: Have another Aikatsu filled day, Izzybella!

Izzy smiled, thankful for her friend back home to always send her encouraging messages.

Izzy: You too, Speed Chaser.

Izzy put her Aikatsu Mobile in her pocket then walked out into the hall, down a few doors, then knocked on the door of her friend, Uli Taiyou.

"Knock! Knock!" Izzy said in a sing-song voice. It only took a moment for Uli to answer, she was wearing her bright yellow tracksuit. "Ohiyo, Uli-chan!"

"Morning, Beatriz!" Uli said with a smile. "Are you ready for some hard, hard admin work today?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Izzy replied.

The two Admins headed out of the Admin dormitories and made their third stop to the regular dorms. "Avery!" Uli called in a hush tone as she knocked on their friend's door.

It took a minute, but a tired Avery Middleton (with her messy electric blue bed head) opened the door and looked at her friends with her tired pink eyes. "What time is it?" she asked with her british accent.

"Morning," Uli answered. "Ready to do some laps with us?"

"No, goodness," Avery sighed then tried to rub the circles out of her eyes. "Will you leave without me?"

"No," Izzy shook her head.

"Ugh ... I'll change," Avery said.

It took a few moments, but Avery was soon out and ready and wearing her bright blue tracksuit. The three girls headed over to the track, ready to start the day with some energy.

"Hey minna," Izzy said before they started their run, "there's a note here for us." Izzy, Uli, and Avery gathered around the note that Izzy had discovered with their names on it.

Dear Everyone,

Sorry that I can't join you for a morning run.

The rest of S4 and I already took a run and we have to

head out to record S4 TV.

Best Wishes,

Kitara ♥

"I blame Avery," said Uli.

"Oh poo, poo," Avery replied, "let's get practicing ladies! Aikatsu can't Aikatsu itself. Let's go!" Avery started to take off onto the track field.

"Hey! Chotto matte!" Izzy called as she took off onto the track.

These three girls were students at Four Star Academy. Beatriz Pitsuji (or Izzy as she preferred to be called) was part of Flower Song Class along with Avery Middleton (a young rock star from the United Kingdom). Beatriz had been inspired by the wonder that was Tori Yuki, the current holder of S4 spot in Song Class, to come to Four Star, become and idol, then join S4! Unfortunately, Avery had the same idea, but that didn't stop the two of them from becoming friends. At her first year, Izzy had met her other fellow first years, Uli Taiyou and Kitara Hotori, both part of Beauty Class. After last year's S4 selection, only Kitara was able to make it into S4. She replaced Rose Wilson for the spot, and became the only new member for the next generation. Meanwhile, Izzy and Uli were bumped up to Admins while Avery ... well Avery was Avery, but still as popular as ever.

TIOMD 3 - Izzy's DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora