Luna's News

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Opening Theme: The Only That's There (Izzy, Uli, Kitara, Avery)
Ending Theme: Sentimental Berry (Tanoshi, Tori)

 Luna jogged through Four Star Academy early. She wanted to be up and at before anyone else. She ran and ran but it was harder to run then usual. She started to run out of breath just as she was passing by the entrance.

She stopped to catch her breath and slide her glasses up her nose some more. "I can still ... Aikatsu," she breathed. "I can still ... Aikatsu."

"Maybe you should take a break first," said a familiar voice from behind her.

Luna gasped, stood up and turned around. Standing behind her was Yujin Besuto and the rest of M4 (second generation). She beamed then made a great effort to run over and hug them tightly.


"All four of you are going to perform?" Maru said as she, Izzy, Uli, Kitara, Avery, Rita, Cassie, and Miho jogged together on the track (though the second years had to slow down a bit to keep pace with the first years.)

"Yeah! In front of the whole school!" said Izzy. "A friend of mine gave me the idea, just to remind you first years what your seniors are made out of. At least, that's how he put it."

"Impressive," said Miho, "guess Maru and mine's performances got you excited."

"Seeing Maru perform the other day was exciting," Kitara nodded. Maru was quite lovely in Classical Ange's Pure Pink Coord, and her song was just as nice.

Lalala... Love ai no uta lalala... Love

"But now it's our turn to get your hearts booming!" said Avery.

"Yes, so look forward ... to ..." Uli started then stopped talking and stopped jogging to.

"Uli-chan?" Izzy said as she stopped to head over to her friend. Everyone else stopped to walk over to them and see what was wrong. "Uli-chan? What's wrong?"

Uli smiled and pointed ahead of them. "M4!" she cried. Uli took off just as Izzy and everyone else noticed M4 and Luna walking by.

Izzy, Avery and Kitara began taking off to greet their friends and welcome them back from their tour.

"Guys!" avery cried.

"Avery!" Lex Junon exclaimed.

"Hey guys," said Zander Mimon once they had gotten over to them.

"You're back!" Izzy cried.

"We sure are!" said Tanoshi. "How's Aikatsu going?"

"It's going great!" said Uli. "Hey, we have a performance coming up today if you want to watch. It would mean a lot if you do!"

"We'll see what we can do," said Yujin. "But Luna invited us to a sort of party at S4 dorm."

"A party?" said Kitara. "I wasn't aware of a party."

"It was a surprise I was throwing for S4 and M4," Luna said with a blush as she fixed her glasses. "Guess the cat's out of the bag now." That's when the first years arrived.

"No way! It's M4!" Cassie cried, her eyes sparkling. "Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! I am like, your biggest fan! I already have your CD pre-ordered."

"We haven't even started recording for that!" Zander said.

"Sorry. I just love your music," Cassie said as she wrapped a finger up in one of her purple and pink curls.

"No, it's fine!" Tanoshi said, enjoying the attention. "We could sign it for you some time when it arrives."

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