Sayonara ... Until Next Time ;)

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Opening Theme: Rainbow Colored Encore (Rainbow Crescendo)
Ending Theme: Aurora Princess (Izzy, Tori)

S4: S4 Presents! It's our time to shine! We'll be your hosts, the glimmering stars, S4!

Luna: For all of you who need a recap, the fiftieth S4 Selections were held and it was a show stopper for the ages! Just thinking about it sends shivers up my spine!

Kitara: For Dance Class, Luna was her Perfect Luna self and held her spot in top for S4 and gained her third victory but it will be the first-year Rita Kazuna who will be taking her place.

Tori: Then for Theater Class, it was the first-year Cassie Izumi was able to surpass our very own Kizu and claim victory. I never thought that was possible until I saw Cassie.

Kizu: Neither did I .... But anyway, for Beauty Class, Kitara was able to hold up her spot and now she'll be in S4 for another year! Yay!

Luna: Congratulations, Kitara. And finally for Song Class, it was a revolution! Second year student, Beatriz Pitsuji, had earned a pair of Sun Wings and her place in S4 for next year!

Kitara: We're so happy for you, Izzy!

Tori: We all are! But now it's time for the next big event.

S4: Graduation!


"To think," Luna said as she sat with Tori, Kizu, and Kitara at a tea party, "this will be the last time I can enjoy the gathering of stars."

"At least it's not because of cancer," Kizu said.

"Kizu! Don't even joke like that!" Kitara said.

"But that does give us a reason to be happy!" Tori said as she smiled at her friend. "I'm going to miss you guys while I'm on tour with Tanoshi."

"And I'm going to miss you all in Tokyo," Kizu said.

"And I will miss you all here," Kitara said.

"I'll miss you all here too," Luna said.

"Well I have a feeling Yujin will be all the company you need," Tori said with a smile. Luna blushed slightly.

"He could never replace all of you," she said.

Kitara smiled. "I wish this moment could freeze. So it could be like this forever."

"I've been working on something that could do that for the past two years!" Kizu said.

"Two years?" Tori said.

"I've been working on it ever since I became part of S4 with you, Luna, and Rose," Kizu admitted. "None of them have worked."

"Well time is a constant after all," Luna said. "But I wouldn't mind being with you three forever."

"I couldn't count the number of moments I wish I could stay in forever," Tori said. "More moments like this and better will come!"

"Right!" the rest of S4 nodded.

"So, let's enjoy it while we can," Kitara said as she took a cup of tea.

"I will!" Kizu said.

"Mm," Luna nodded, fixing her glasses and smiling.


Four Star Academy's Graduation began. The third years were given their certificates, the student body president (Luna) gave her speech, thanking everyone and congratulating her student body president successor (Miho) then it was time for the S4 crowning.

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