A Day with Mona

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Opening Theme: Rainbow Colored Encore (Rainbow Crescendo)
Ending Theme: Aurora Princess (Izzy, Tori)

 Mona's alarm went off. It was 5 in the morning. She looked across the room, Manga was already gone but she could see the note she left on Mona's desk. Mona sat up and read it.

'Mona! Have a good day! Had to go and dance for an ice cream commercial. Love you! Bye!'4

"Bye, I guess," Mona said with a laugh. She got up, put on her Starlight Academy uniform then got ready to start the day.


Kitai hazure no flight
Mayonaka no sky high

"Alright! Got it! Thank you!" the producer said. "We'll be able to shoot the full video later. Think you can home again tonight at ... 8 O'clock?"

"Can do," Mona said with a thumbs up.

Mona packed up her bag then started to head out of the building. Passing by the coffee boy as she did. "Oh! Miss Nanase!" he said. "What about your coffee?"

"I didn't order a coffee," Mona said. "I only drink tea."

"Oh! But I ... I thought ..." he stuttered.

"It's okay, Hiro. These mistakes happen ... more then twice," Mona told him.

"Only when it comes to me," Hiro said with a sigh. "Do you want the coffee anyway?"

"You can have it," Mona told him. "See ya later."

"Bye (I think I love you)."

"What was that?"

"I said I have gum to chew!" Hiro replied. "Bye!"

Mona waved then walked out of the building. Then she saw none other then Daiji Sogen nearby.

Mona dashed over to Daiji. "Hey Daiji. How's it going?"

"Oh! Mona!" Daiji said with a smile. "I'm glad to see you. I can't find a second opinion for my coord for tonight." Daiji quickly took out two sets of cards. "Flower Fairy Coord or Shining Bell Coord? It's for a flower arrangement segment, so I thought about the Flower Fairy Coord. But the bell one is also lovely."

"It's nice to stick out among the crowd," said Mona. "Go for the bell one, that way you won't get lost in all those flowers."

"Okay!" Daiji said with a smile. "Thanks Mona!"

"Anytime," Mona said with a wave. Daiji took off for a building just as the sound of someone in distress rang in Mona's ears.

"No, no, no, no, no!" a woman cried as she ran over to look at a flat tire on her car. "Not today!"

"Ma'am!" Mona said as she ran over to the woman.

The woman gasped. "You're Mona Nanase!"

"Guilty," Mona said with a smile. "What's wrong here?"

"Oh, um, it's my car. I was trying to head over to a job interview on the other side of town but I got a flat. I have a spare in the back but I don't know how to fix it."

"Well I can help," said Mona.

"Y-y-you!?!" the woman gasped.

"Yeah. My dad taught me about these things. Do you have a jack and some tools?" Mona asked.

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