A Sunny New Year

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Opening Theme: Rainbow Colored Encore (Rainbow Crescendo)
Ending Theme: Aurora Princess (Izzy, Tori)

 "Thank you everyone!" M4 said as they waved off to the crowd of cheering fans. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"


"Phew!" Tanoshi sighed after taking huge gulps of water. "I feel like that was one of our greatest performances yet!"

"We were so ... BAM!" Lex exclaimed.

"Oh, we can do even better than that," Zander said confidently. "Our next concert, let's really try and blow them all away."

"That will be our Christmas Concert," Yujin noted.

"I hate working on Christmas," Tanoshi commented. "I have to get my presents through the mail."

"Well Santa Claus isn't going to bring them to you," Zander said.

"No. I mean I don't get to open them with my family, not even Tori since we're both busy." M4 nodded in sympathy.

"Look on the BAM side," said Lex. "Now you get to spend Christmas with all of us!"

Tanoshi nodded and smiled. "True."

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" M4 said in unison.

A strange lady walked into the room and closed the door behind her. She wore a wool hat and sunglasses and had flowing shoulder length grape hair.

"Who are you?" Zander asked.

"Security gave me the OK to come and see you with my business offer," the woman said. "I would have come to the school but I had to speak to you all in person as soon as possible."

"And who do we have the honor of addressing?" Yujin asked.

The lady took off her glasses. "Guess."

There was a moment of silence before Lex broke into loud gasps. "M-M-M-Mizuki?!" he cried. "As in the Mizuki?!"

"The one and only," Mizuki said as she placed her sunglasses into her purse.

"Wow," Lex said. "It's great to see, Ms, Mrs -"

"Mizuki is perfectly fine," Mizuki said with a smile.

"Wow," Lex said again.

Mizuki took a seat on the red sofa that was laid out for them. "It's wonderful to meet you all. But, Tanoshi, I believe we met once before."

"We did?" Tanoshi raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I remember meeting you and your sisters at Sakura and Subaru's wedding," she said.

"Well, thanks for coming, but I don't remember," Tanoshi said.

"WHAT!?!" Lex exclaimed. "One of the greatest legends in idol history attends your dad's wedding and you don't remember?!"

"It's alright, Lex," Mizuki said. "I remember he was spending most of the time playing with his family and the other children that were at that wedding."

"That explains it," Tanoshi said.

"We had another indirect encountered recently," Mizuki said.

"We did?" Tanoshi said, trying not to laugh as Lex nearly tore his hair out from anger and jealousy.

"It was at Goldie's Daycare Center." The name was so unexpectedly familiar to Tanoshi, he was taken aback.

"Back when Izzy and I performed there last week," Tanoshi said. "But what were you doing there?"

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