Flying on a Dream

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Opening Theme: The Only Thing That's There (Izzy, Uli, Kitara, Avery)
Ending Theme: Sentimental Berry (Tanoshi, Tori)

"Thank you so much for the stories, Izzybella!" Chase said over the phone. "Dad loved them! He said I could cover more whenever I visit."

"Will you be visiting more often then?" Izzy asked.

"Maybe if I keep getting scoops like the ones I got it," Chase told her.

"Well I hope you do keep visiting. I miss you, Speed Chaser," Izzy said.

"I miss you too, Izzybella. I'll come over for the unit cup, that's not too far away."

"It's forever away!" Izzy cried. "Oh. Gomen Chaser-kyun but I'm getting another call."

"Yes, don't mind me. Bye!" Chase said.

"Bye." Izzy hung up on Chase then picked up on the other call. "Moshi, moshi. Izzy-desu."

"Izzy! It's Luci, from Antique Sailor!" said the voice on the other end. "I just wanted to call and tell you that the Premium Rare Dress for Antique Sailor is almost done and the second it's finished I will call you and you will come and pick it up. Kay?"

"Okay! Arigato gozaimasu! , Kloku-san!" Izzy said. The phone call ended and Izzy was beaming. A Premium Rare Dress! Her very own Premium Rare Dress!


"Hello?" Tanoshi said as he walked into the headmaster's office. "You wanted to see me, Headmaster?"

"Mr. Yuki, come in," the headmaster said.

"What is it?" Tanoshi asked as he closed the door behind him.

"I have just received a phone call from Elza Forte," Headmaster Moroboshi told Tanoshi. "Are you aware that Beatriz Pitsuji is holding a solo live soon?"

"Yeah, I heard about it," Tanoshi replied.

"Well a greater fate may lie in the balance," he said. "Elza has just informed me that during M4's Exciting Festival she made a deal with Tori that if Izzy was able to get a pair of Star Wings, Tori would put on a solo live of her own."

"Oh," Tanoshi said. "But ... there are only two Star Wings left. Unless there's something I don't know."

"You're correct, but the numbers don't matter," the headmaster went on. "I fear that if Pitsuji fails to get Star Wings during this performance then Tori may vanish as an idol."

"Vanish," Tanoshi thought about it. That seemed to be the perfect word to describe Tori. "What do you want me to do?"

"Help Pitsuji put on a great enough performance so that she may earn the Star Wings. But don't tell her what is at stake. No-one can think straight with worry on their mind."

"That's true," Tanoshi said. He thought about it. "Okay, I'll do it."


"I'm so excited to see your Premium Rare Dress, girl!" Cassie exclaimed to Izzy during their morning break time.

"Me too," said Miho. "When we all have Premium Rare Dresses, it will work better for my plans."

"Your evil plans," Avery added. "Mu-wah-ha-ha!"

"Not evil!" Miho said.

"What kind of plans did you have in mind?" Kitara asked.

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