Bonus: Tanoshi & Aine's Talk

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Aine and Tanoshi walked through the park of their town, barley saying a word and feeling very, very awkward.

"So ... how's school?" Tanoshi asked.

"Good," Aine replied. "How's your school?"

"Good," Tanoshi replied. Another pause. "Hey, want to head over to the woods? I think we could walk from here. If not we can always get a taxi."

"We can walk," Aine said.

Aine didn't know what to do, this was torcher. Subaru put Tanoshi up to this just to make her feel better, she was sure of it! Maybe she didn't kill her birth mother, but Tanoshi couldn't believe that. He hated her! She was sure of it! He never wanted her to be born.

As they walked to the woods, the area around them got less and less urban and more and more natural.

"Hey look!" Tanoshi pointed. "It's that river we jumped into when we were kids. Remember?"

Aine nodded, she did remember jumping into the cool water on hot summer days. Back when life was pure, and she was too young and stupid to know what kind of life she was born into.

"You don't have to pretend, Tanoshi," Aine said. "I know Dad made you do this."

"Hmm ..." Tanoshi grumbled. "Maybe."

Aine looked at the ground, not wanting her older brother watch her cry.

"But that doesn't mean I'm not sorry."

"Eh?" Aine looked up. Tanoshi was sitting on the rocks, he patted on a spot next to him, motioning for Aine to sit down next to him. Aine obeyed.

"I'm really sorry, Aine," he said. "But you never knew Mom, and if you did .... I wish you could have met her."

"Me too," Aine said. "I'm sorry that -"

"It wasn't your fault, Aine," Tanoshi stated. "You're that last thing we have of Mom."

"Dad told me the same thing," Aine said.

"Well that's what Dad told me," Tanoshi said with a small hint of a smile. "Has Dad ever been wrong before?"

"No," Aine said, her voice starting to waver. "Did Dad really love Mom?"

"We all did Aine," Tanoshi said. "But ... you were worth it."

"You don't mean that," Aine said.

"Yes, I do," Tanoshi said, putting a hand on Aine's shoulder. "And I'm right 100% of the time so long as it's not under the 40% of the time when I'm 30% wrong 10% of the time."

"That's not how you do math!" Aine cried before breaking into sobs.

"I'm sorry, Aine," Tanoshi said as he hugged his sister.

"Do you hate me?" Aine asked.

"No," Tanoshi shook his head.

"Does Tori hate me?"

"Tori loves you, stupid."

"Does Dad hate me."

"He adores you. Are you retarted?"

"What does that even mean?" Aine asked.

"Everyone loves you, Aine," Tanoshi said. "That's not what retarted means, but that's my point."

"Do you love me?" Aine asked.

Tanoshi took a breath and nodded. "Yeah."

"Okay. Good," Aine said. "Can we go home now?"

"Yeah," Tanoshi agreed.

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