The Perfect Idol Part 6

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Opening Theme: Rainbow Colored Encore (Rainbow Crescendo)
Ending Theme: Aurora Princess (Izzy, Tori)

Last time on TIOMD 3 Izzy's Dream ...

The final contestants for Elza Forte's Perfect Idol Cup have been decided, Yujin Besuto-san and Luna Kira-senpai. My heart is beating so hard it's going to pound right out of my chest! Who will win!?!


Luna walked through the empty halls of the Milky Way Big Stage. It seemed so much bigger when it was empty and so much more intimidating when people were in it.

Then Luna looked up and saw Yujin on the stage, looking vaguely at everything around him. Luna smiled started to make a run over to the stage, going down hall after hall after hall. "Yujin!" she called. Yujin looked up and smiled as Luna made her way onto the stage.

"Luna," he said with a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to have a look," Luna said. "You?"

"Same as you," Yujin answered.

The two looked out over the empty stadium. "You know, I'm glad I made it this far with you," Luna said. "It feels right to have some rivalry between us."

"So that's how you feel," Yujin said.

"Are you upset?" Luna asked. "Wish one of your pals from M4 were up here to put you in your place."

"Big talker," Yujin said. "But no. I'm just glad I get to share the stage with you."

Luna smiled. "We shared the stage together that one time at the S4 x M4 collab concert. Remember? We sang Barefoot Renaissance."

"Yeah, I remember," Yujin said. "You know, I'd want to sing a different song the next time we have the chance."

"What song?" Luna asked. "Rewrite the Stars?"

"No. Hold on," Yujin took out his Aikatsu Mobile and headphones then played the song for Luna, earbuds in her ears.

She listened. "Oh, I like this song," Luna said.

"Me too," Yujin agreed.

Luna listened to the song a bit more before taking off the ear buds. "Next time we have the chance, let's sing this together."

"Okay," Yujin said. "I think I'm going to head back to hotel to get some more rest before tonight."

"Okay. I'm going to stay here a bit more," Luna said. "And Yujin,"

"Yeah Luna?"

"We're gonna be rivals until the victor is crowned, right?"

Yujin nodded. "Luna,"

"Yeah Yujin?"

Then, Yujin leaned forward and kissed Luna. "I love you. Bye!"

Luna blushed. "Rivals don't do that!" she said as Yujin left. "Silly."


"Welcome, Japan, to the final round of the Perfect Idol Cup," Elza said to the crowd of people. "Today, Yujin Besuto and Luna Kira will be facing each other off for the title of Perfect Idol. The winner will be chosen by me personally and given this, the Crystal Mic." Elza held up the Crystal Mic. "So ... let the final competition begin!"

The audience's cheers echoed throughout the stage, the city, and the Milky Way Big Stage. Yujin could hear it all the way down in front of the changing room.

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