Gaming For Design

19 3 2

Opening Theme: Rainbow Colored Encore (Rainbow Crescendo)
Ending Theme: Aurora Princess (Izzy, Tori)

 "And then what?" Lavender asked excitedly, at the edge of her seat. As in literally at the edge of Hikari's bed. (Where she was sitting). Kalani and Hikari eagerly retold their tale to her.

"StEaM performed and totally showed everyone up!" said Kalani. "It was awesome! You should have seen the looks on people's faces!"

"We were so KAWAII!" said Hikari.

"I bet you were!" Lavender said. I wish I could have watched it happen live or in person!"

"Why didn't you?" Hikari asked.

"I was having a video chat with my parents," Lavender replied. "I always talk to them on Halloween to wish them a happy anniversary!"

"They got married on Halloween?!" Hikari exclaimed with a smile. "So KAWAII!"

"No. They got married in Spring," Lavender corrected. "But they met each other on a Halloween Night. It's the anniversary of when they first saw each other!"

"They really celebrate that?" Kalani asked.

"No. Only I do," Lavender said with a chuckle. "But I like talking to them anyway." Lavender gasped suddenly. It was so sudden, even Hikari was caught off guard. "Why don't you guys visit me in Finland sometime?"

"Visit you? All the way in Finland?" said Kalani.

"KAWAII!!" Hikari exclaimed. "I'll take the next plane!"

"Wait until I'm there first, silly!" Lavender said with a giggle.

"Yeah. But you're in Japan," said Kalani.

"Yes, but the next time Elza goes to Finland I am heading straight home and giving Mommy and Daddy the biggest hugs my arms gave give them!"

"You give great hugs," Hikari said randomly.

"Aw, thank you. Do you want one now?" Lavender stood up and out stretched her hands to give Hikari a hug just as her Aikatsu Mobile began to ring. Lavender stopped the transit of her hug to look at the message she had received. "It's a text from Elza."

"Can you tell us what it says?" Kalani asked.

"Sure. It's just a message about a new student. A girl named, Adriana Kurosawa," Lavender told Kalani and Hikari. "There's a video attached to it about her. Do you guys want to watch?"

"Sure!" The two Dream Academy girls said in unison.

Lavender clicked on the video.

Hinaki: Greetings idol world! I'm here with the skyrocketing idol, Adriana Kurosawa.

Adriana: Hello!

Hinaki: So Adriana, you live in Japan but you're originally from Cuba, correct?

Adriana: My heart is always in Havana! But yes. I've been living in Japan for ten years, ever since I was five. After my older sister, Alexia and I were adopted by our current awesome parents. Hi Mom! Hi Dad!

Hinaki: That's wonderful! And I understand that you and your sister have a brand?

Adriana: Yes! Alexia and I created the brand, Virtual Muse. Alexia is the creative one who makes the coords and I'm the one who models them.

Hinaki: Very nice! But some say that Virtual Muse is a copy of Lex Junon's brand, Electric Star. What do you have to say about that?

Adriana: We had no intentions of copying Electric Star. Alexia and I simply wanted to express our love for idol, video games, and dresses into one brand. It really wasn't our fault that they share a similar motif with Electric Star.

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