The Leading Actress

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Opening Theme: Rainbow Colored Encore (Rainbow Crescendo)
Ending Theme: Aurora Princess (Izzy, Tori)

Last Time on TIOMD 3 Izzy's Dream ...

The S4 Selections had begun and started off hot when Perfect Luna's class started the first of the four days of battles. Of course Luna-senpai came out on top, but it was Rita-chan who was able to get second and the spot in S4! We're all so happy for her! But now it's Theater Class's turn. I wonder who will win.


"Hmmm ... BAM!" Lex exclaimed before taking a huge sip of his Brain Thunder. "Aw man! Yesterday's S4 Selections was awesome! I can't wait to see what will happen today with Theater Class!"

"That's your class, right Zander?" Yujin said.

"Yep," Zander nodded. "I'm sure Kizu, Maru, Cassie and the other girls will put on a - Lex, watch out."

"A what?" Lex said.

The suddenly, he bumped into the small boy that was Kazuno, and Brain Thunder was poured over the diva's head. "AH!!!!" Kazuno cried, his eyes wide.

"Whoopsie," Lex said.

"GRR ... HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?" Then, Kazuno took the cup of Brain Thunder and dumped its remaining contents on Lex. "That should teach you to watch out for pedestrians!"

"You were walking right in the middle of us," said Tanoshi.

"I thought you would naturally step aside," Kazuno said.

Lex blinked then licked the Brain Thunder off his own face. "Yummy."


Maru and Cassie sat in their dressing room as they waited to be summoned to the stage for their acting evaluation. "I'm nervous about the S4 Selections, girl," Cassie admitted as she chewed on one of her pink and purple locks. "I haven't been thinking about it all that much for the past month since I was thinking about the Perfect Idol Cup."

"Me too," Maru agreed. "But we'll do our very, very, very best right? Cause I won't hold anything back!"

"Neither will I!" Cassie said.

Knock! Knock!

"It's time you two!" said Faith. "Get up on stage!"


Maru and Cassie watched from the side as Gwen Bordeaux performed the piece that every contestant would be acting out.

"Though the journey hard and unforgiving," Gwen performed in her dramatic gothic manor, "though the winds are cold and sun burning hot ... I will continue to fight with every last bone in my body to achieve my dream!"

The audience cheered and clapped. Gwen was going to be putting everything she had into this selection, even if she wasn't getting into S4.

"Well done, Gwen!" Maru cheered as the admin passed their way.

"Thank you. It's your turn now," Gwen said.



"Though the journey hard and unforgiving," Maru recited, smiling with hope sparkling in her eyes, "though the winds are cold and sun burning hot, I will continue to fight with every last bone in my body to achieve my dream!"

The audience cheered and clapped for Maru as she waved off to the crowd. "You go, girl!" Cassie said with a smile.

"You'll do great," Gwen assured Cassie.

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